To Libby-Sue….

We have a lockdown birthday approaching.

My youngest, Libby-Sue, who started out in her blogging stardom as, beautiful baby, is about to turn 10.  Which means, Northernmum is also about to hit the decade mark.

BB born

As I reflect, as she looks to experience what she will remember as her strangest birthday yet, I can’t help but have a wry smile on my face when I think of all the places we have been on her birthday – and why I am eternally greatful to have this beautiful little girl in my life.

Libby-Sue was the baby I carried so carefully I felt she may even be born in cotton wool.  Anyone who has carried a child after a miscarriage will know how that feels. When she arrived, I spent days adoring her, weeks fighting to breastfeed her, and forever loving her.  She was always to be my final baby.

Over ten years she has faced more than her fair share of challenges, even learning to walk was something that she needed to do twice.  As her body was bound by cast and plaster, her speech was delayed and her mobility challenged.

BB after surgery to correct DDH

But she smiled, through it all.

She has beamed her way through seziures and surgeries, through breaking bones and breaking hearts of medical teams.  She has squeezed my heart so tight with worry that I have often thought that I would never fully relax again (but of course there is always gin for that.)

In 10 years, Libs has taught me that you never stop trying to make things better and you can conquer all in the face of adversity.

Start life with seizures – then learn to surf…

Born with broken hips, then learn’t to lift like a beast.

If you have ever met my youngest child, you would agree she simply lights up the world around her.

So I am determined to give her a lockdown birthday to remember.  We have flicked through online catalogues to find the best gifts.  Looked for magical ways to make the day special.

The gifts are ordered, all safely online, from catalogues with no credit checks or from the magic aisle at Aldi.  Moonpig is in charge of the card and the cake and decorations are being delivered the day before.  The Amazon man seems to be bringing a mountain of slime to my door…

The party invites have been sent.

We were due to fly to Spain for a birthday on the beach, so instead we are going to bring that adventure to our back yard – watch this space for that reveal.

For Libby-Sue, for when you eventually read this post..

You make my world sing, your constant chatter, your eternal beam.  The way you play with friends the rest of us cant see, makes me want to wish you would never grow up.  But, the way you evolve each year into a more beautiful human being, means that I also can’t wait to see what happens next.

I know you won’t be sad that your birthday is in lockdown, because you have learnt to appreciate the simple happiness of being safe and well, and the joy of having a day dedicated to you will be enough.

8 days till your birthday little lady.

Keep counting them down.


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