What mummy needs for her wee-wee – how to be shamed again by the kids….

It was lashing with rain and the wind howled angrily at the pharmacy window.  I looked out at the weather in despair knowing my journey back to the car would be interrupted with lots of splashes in muddy puddles whilst my freshly washed hair turned to frizz.

Inside the pharmacy I stood with a mother, two people of elderly stature, three children and a pair of teenagers.  For once we were happy to wait whilst the pharmacist filled our prescription, none of us particularly keen to meet the angry grey clouds outside.

Beautiful Baby became restless first and decided to “shop”.  Hitting the limited aisles she quickly brought me a toothbrush, toothpaste and a pretty hair slide.

“Thank you,” I said graciously “but mummy doesn’t need these, shall we put them back.”

Ever the amienable soul she nodded “ok” and trotted round the store putting the items back perfectly.

The elderly folk nodded their approval, the teens murmured “how cute” and the mother darted her eyes at me as her youngest screamed for release from the chains of the pushchair.

Suddenly the pharmacist appeared in front of me, “Mrs Blackmore” she called.

Feeling like a child at register I raised my hand – “here”.

“Address please”

I confirmed my place of residence and was about to be handed a bag full of diabetic needles when suddenly BB appeared beside me.

“Mummy buy these.”

Not even looking at what she had acquired I quickly retorted “oh no darling, pop it back.” and then angry feet stamped next to me,

“No, mummy buy this.”

The pharmacist bowed to BB’s level “your mummy doesn’t need these if she only has you…”

“I have three kids,” I commented whilst turning to see what BB was trying to buy.

The pharmacist coughed politely.

“Mummy, need these.” Cried my cross sidekick, her voice raising to a crescendo.

The mother smirked, the teenagers outright chortled and the elderly folk went pink with embarrassment.

“Mummy needs these for her wee-wee.” screeched BB as she threw a large packet of super size Tena lady into my hands.  “She needs them now!.”

I fear my youngest aspires to be like her brother.

At least the rain cooled down my cheeks.


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