It was just a normal day, the usual type of normal day where the wine in the fridge starts chanting your name from about 9am. Normality in this house is bloody stressful.
The day started at 7.30am, about an hour later than usual. My beloved offspring had clearly planned a practical joke the night before as none of the three have ever slept in unison past 7am since they were born. The last time I set an alarm was 2006 so consequently when the bluebirds pulled my duvet back this morning my first word upon squinting hazily at the clock was,
followed by
“Shit, shit.”
So it started, batting the bluebirds out of sight I wrenched the covers from each of my three sleeping children whilst they all covered their eyes and begged for mercy from daybreak. I worried for a moment that the undead had added them to their clan overnight which would convincingly explain their extended sleep but none of them burst into flames when I ripped open the curtains so I lay that theory to rest quickly.
“Come on darlings, we are later than usual” I sang in my best Mary Poppins voice.
Two minutes later when no one had levitated their arse from their beds I bellowed ‘get up now we are going to be late for bloody school.’ I dashed from the room aiming for the shower ignoring my smart mouthed son when he finished my sentence with the final word ‘again.’
I reached the shower in record speed to find he who helped create them lathering up a storm, he looked at me through surprised soapy eyes and said ‘bloody hell love I’m late – they slept…’
The silent voice in my head said ‘no shit Sherlock.’
I considered joining him in the shower, but my libido is still on vacation and I didn’t want to start something in the morning which I would have to finish at bedtime so instead I furiously brushed my teeth whilst scrubbing the smallest child’s face.
Minutes flew by and I peered into the twins room to see them wide awake, out of bed, happily swapping Moshi cards. My blood took offence and flew from toes into my cheeks;
“Get dressed now,” I demanded in an authoritative tone.
Twin girl turned and peered at me over a Glump and a Moshling, “your not shouting isn’t going well,” she remarked. “It’s going as well as her diet,” giggled twin boy and the pair of them fell about like hyenas in pyjamas who were running late for school.
Exasperated I left the room, heading back for the shower, ignoring BB who was playing nicely in my room with my very expensive foundation and Ted Baker eye shadows.
Five minutes later I returned to my room shaking wet from my hair and falling into my knickers. BB looked at me with glee and I cried “Shit” again because she had turned herself into a mini Joan Collins and my red lipstick had been beaten beyond repair on her tiny bright crimson lips.
And so it continued, a mass of yelling, make up wiping, make up applying and getting dressed until 8.20 clicked onto the clock and we were all dressed ready to go.
Breakfast was thrown at the children and twin girl was insulined up, we got in the car and dashed to the school gate and slunk in past the school office all trying to be quiet expect for BB who went in shouting,
“shhhh hit, shhh hit, we are late, very late indeed.”
Is 9am considered too early for gin?
LauraCYMFT says
Oh dear Jane. I did laugh quite a bit reading this, especially your twins heheh. I’d say it is never too early for gin lol.
northernmum says
wise wise words
Liveotherwise says
Perhaps you should try the gin on the children, it might quieten them down…
northernmum says
is that not illegal?
still willing to give it a crack….
Mummy Barrow says
I did that once.
It was a Saturday.
northernmum says
headinbook says
Having had a similar morning, minus the lipstick (or indeed the lie-in), I am sympathising (while giggling…)
northernmum says
Leoarna says
The best blog writing shares common experience and has us feel that we met the author for coffee that morning, and over a latte and pastry we laughed at how far from perfection our daily lives run. Thanks for making me feel better about my naff morning and for making me smile!
northernmum says
anytime x
Bibsey Mama (@BibseyMama) says
Erm, only this morning, when Bibsey was running rings around me, I considered polishing off the remains of a bottle in the fridge. And how how how do they all sleep in on the same day? Is there usually one that wakes first and sets the others off like dominoes?
northernmum says
mine is always the small one….
Circus Queen says
Oh no no no! This is why I can’t send Talitha to school….or have more than one child….
northernmum says
keep that mindset
Sonya Cisco says
My kids only ever sleep in on days we have to be somewhere. Never ever on a peaceful Sunday. *passes the gin*
northernmum says
*takes it* thanks
Kirstin Hancock says
You did we’ll to be at school by nine! Mine never all sleep in! And I never have time to shower before the school run. Gin is the name of the game. Hehe
northernmum says
God bless gin x
Looking for Blue Sky says
I’m just impressed that you achieved all this in 50 minutes! Seriously 🙂
northernmum says
why thanks x
helloitsgemma says
9 am is never too early for gin.
northernmum says
that is why you are always so happy