The clock silently ticks on next to me, the alarm function slowly gathering dust from lack of use in recent years.
Who needs an alarm with three children all ingeniously programmed to wake before the sun.
Next to the clock sits my laptop, the presentation I am due to deliver at 9am to my senior business partners lays formally beside it. My suit hangs ironed within an inch of its polyester cotton life and my shoes shine brightly with polish.
The clock ticks on…
Suddenly I am wrenched from a deep slumber, panic submerging my soul, my eyes aching from the sunlight that is burning in my bedroom like an Olympic torch.
The clock mocks me as it clicks silently from 7.59 to 8.00….
Years of 5am starts flash before me, memories of arguments at 6am about staying in bed ring in my ears.
Irony mocks me in the form of sleeping children who are all still in their beds rest fully sleeping on the one day I needed to get up before seven.
Hurtling into action, I scream a wake up call which shakes the very foundations of our home. From the downstairs the dog begins to bark a fury that assures me not only will the children wake but the whole neighbourhood too.
Stepping from the shower dripping with shower gel still lingering on my rear I pluck a sleeping toddler from her bed and attach her to my breast whilst sweeping a smear of brown shadow across my lid. The effect combined with a smear of red lipstick is Coco Chanel meets Coco the Clown after a night on the vodka.
Switching breasts I shove my toe into tights with such power that it creates a ladder that any fireman would be twitching to climb. I peer in the drawer for a second pair and seeing none I reach for clear nail polish to stop it spreading. All too soon I remember I only own bright primary colours of polish so ‘discreetly’ add a dot of red to my legs. The effect is a ladder any fireman would like to climb with a red blob at the end which screams to the world the ladder starts here.
The older children awake and stumble out of their room in a dazed wonder that the sun has finally won the race. A ray catches them straight in their unsuspecting eyes and they collide into each other momentarily. The screams then begin followed by pinching and shouting. Morning has broken and it has broken in fury.
He who helped create them awakens, its all too loud to bear.
8.16 – I teach my children a new word as I bend for my shoes scattering my presentation everywhere. BB follows behind me collecting papers muttering “s’it s’it” to herself whilst beaming at my mayhem.
I launch downstairs forcing my feet into business shoes, the keys aren’t where they should be; I blame the other adult in the house loudly until I find them in my coat pocket; a truth I hide quietly.
I throw myself out of the house running a hand through my hair, two minutes later I throw myself back in to collect my purse, bag and phone.
I make the meeting, with moments to spare, my ladder is quietly ignored as is the smear of sudocrem that is tastefully decorating my sleeve.
I work all day, the quiet of the office is beautifully deafening.
I fall into bed that evening and before I turn to the bliss of sleep I dust off the alarm and put it to use.
The kids wake up at 5 the next day…
Molly says
Can you stop being so bloody funny and entertaining? I was meant to go to bed 5 minutes ago and couldn’t drag myself away. If I “do a Jane” and oversleep tomorrow I know who I’m blaming…
northernmum says
Molly and owen?
Louise says
Hilarious….mainly because I can totally identify with it. My boy always used to lie in on my work days.
northernmum says
Never before!!! honeslty they drive me bonkers
Emma @mummymummymum says
oh dear, always the way……
northernmum says
always x
michelle twin mum says
It truly is sods law that when you need to get up, they don’t! Brilliant writing Jane, at least you can put yoru trials to good use here on the blog. Mich x
northernmum says
thanks mich! all good blog fodder as they say x x x
Super Amazing Mum says
My kids are the same, I think it is called Sods law?!!!
Great post! xx
northernmum says
or life is an arse!
Emma says
you make me laugh! lots – I’m laughing at you btw and not with you!!!! x
northernmum says
Most do – you are the only one brave enough to say it out loud
Notmyyearoff says
So typical isn’t it? We usually clamber out of the house even with our alarm clock on!
northernmum says
until the most important day….
Lisa @ motherhoodormadness says
Brilliant post, very funny, look forward to reading more, am a new blogger so thanks for stopping by too 🙂
Hints and tips and good blogs to look at would be great too.
northernmum says
Very welcome – have a look at my blog roll some nice ones there!
gemgemmum says
Hilarious! Gemma usually sleeps longer on work days when we all need out by 7.30! Arghh.
We joke about why bother with the alarm as never gets a chance to ring this is why!!
Off to check alarm set,night.
Bod for tea says
Rediscovered! I lost your bookmark for a while and I’m glad to say I found it again. However, now my sides are splitting from laughing so much I’m not so sure… a bump pulsating from laughter is not a pretty sight! 😀
northernmum says
Lovely to have you back!
Heather @ graceandme says
Excellent news, I am pleased to hear it’s not just me!
northernmum says
You are not alone!!!!
Honest Mum says
I need your brood to wake my teenager/I mean toddler up in the mornings!
northernmum says
*narrows eyes*
Actually Mummy... says
Oh dear, kids are manufactured to wreak as much mayhem on the adult life as possible – you could almost have predicted it!
northernmum says
only in my life!
sheena says
This really made my sides ache with laughing….you have a way with words! Love it 🙂
northernmum says
any time!
Caroline @scribblingmum says
I love this, really made me smile this morning. You do write ever so beautifully you know.
northernmum says
Thanks! Nice thing to hear first thing
helloitsgemma says
you are cursed. fact.
northernmum says
Yup!!! you can be my therapist
helloitsgemma says
my fees are reasonable.
northernmum says
can I pay in gin?
amummysview says
lol think that’s called “sods law” x
northernmum says
very much so!
sarsm says
I’m glad I’m not the only person with nail polish on her tights…
northernmum says