Clearing the confusion….

I have been described as being a little competitive at times…

Personally I find it nothing short of normal to leap out of the car after work, tag your other half on the shoulder and scream “race ya”, bolt up the drive then perform a victory drive whilst the poor sod is still unloading the kids from the car.

 Monopoly creates an atmosphere fraught with tension in our house as I put on my shiny estate agent suit and get ready to repossess some properties from six-year olds.

Plus following last years bronze medal shame I have been in training all year for the mummy race at school sports day next month….

At the moment there are two parenting awards running in which I have been nominated and would love to be nominated.

I love writing this blog, the act of writing the day-to-day events of my life makes me bubble with happiness and being able to write my emotions about the road BB has traveled most recently has honestly kept me sane and given me a perspective I didn’t think I was capable of.

For non bloggers I know these competitions merge into one so am hoping I can provide a bit of clarity below and if you like reading this little blog as much as I love writing it please feel free to spend five minutes voting. 

 Awards Number one:

The Mad Blog Awards  

Currently in the nominations stage, so if you like what you read please pop over to the voting form here and put my name: Northernmum and blog URL against the categories you think fits best.

Awards Number Two:

The Bibs (Brillance in Blogging) 

 This is in stage 2, so thanks to anyone who voted me through stage one!  Please carry on and go to this form and tick my name (Northernmum or Northernmum with Southern Children) if you would like me to win.  I am nominated in:

 Category 5: Lit 

 Category 11: Laugh,

 Category 12: Outstanding

Confused yet?  I am!



14 thoughts on “Clearing the confusion….”

  1. Ohh doh I keep losing my comment! Well done Jane, you are very worthy.

    Just one thing would you give me a chance this year please and stay out of my category! lol

    Mich x

  2. I absolutely love you so very much for the mention you beautiful woman. Oh, by the way, can you stand aside for the Bibs Lit category please? You’ve already got 2 other categories in the bag. Three is just greedy. x

  3. I LOVE the idea of you racing up the drive to beat your husband. My husband won’t play Scrabble with me any more because I once hurled the board off the table when he won (which he always does). Very many thanks for the kind mention. You’ve made my Saturday!

  4. Thank you so much for including me in here! I have already voted and nominated you, and you’re not in my category so hope you win! Me, I’m so glad to be nominated but I’m up against Annie and Science Sparks in mine so…. erm. But hey, an invite to the final of the MADs would be sufficient for me!

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