nothing hurts like being a mum…


I was told recently that nothing hurts like being a mum and at the moment it feels like there are no truer words. This road of parenting seems to get more complicated without ever really pausing to allow me to catch my breath.

BB will have surgery within the next few weeks, she will be settled to sleep with a modern day sleeping spell and then her hip and leg will be gently joined as one and then tightly bound in plaster to allow the surgical magic to work.

She will sleep and we will worry until the moment she is returned to us when the spell wears off; in tact, in cast and as usual positively perfect.

We were told today that she is unique, special and rare, the doctor meant that genetically she shouldn’t have hip dysplasia, she wasn’t breech or my first born and nor does she have a any ancestors with hip problems. I don’t need a doctor to tell me BB is unique, and I don’t expect any of my children to travel a path of normality.

The plaster will stay in place for twelve weeks, it will be a different way to live for a while but in thirteen weeks it will be better.

It could be worse, but I am still worried sick, I know it will be fine, but still I long for it to be over.

Thanks for all the lovely comments for BB so far, each has made the road easier to travel.



42 thoughts on “nothing hurts like being a mum…”

  1. Beautiful, simply beautiful. You will cope, BB will be amazing. Erin too is unique, totally and wonderfully. Third born, no family history. It will make them the amazing people they are destined to be.

  2. You are an amazing mummy. I wish BB a speedy recovery and you lots of strength during, what I imagine, will be a difficult time. I will say a prayer for you tonight

    Lynsey x

  3. Do you know darling? It is actually 15 weeks since we saw each other at the MAD Blog Awards. THAT is how quickly time goes! My thoughts and love are with you. You are just fab xxxx

  4. I’m not sure if this will help or not, but I’ll say it anyway. I used to work in an orthopaedic hospital where several of these operations were performed each week. I’d x-ray the babies as ddh was being diagnosed, and again after surgery when they were in a cast, and every one was a success. It’s new and frightening for you but not for the surgeon doing BB’s op and I’m sure they will do a brilliant job so that your unique and amazing little girl will be able to walk properly and be pain-free. Lots of hugs xx

  5. Awwww, hugs to you! I know from when my youngest had to have plastic surgery on a scalded foot aged 11 months that it is the most horrid thing to have to go through, but BB is a tough little cookie, and I think that she might surprise you with her resiliance, and her ability to adapt. You, on the other hand, will need plenty of wine in stock, lots of hugs from HWHCT, and big boxes of tissues everywhere! Kids are our parents revenge – they tell you about the good bits, but not the bad or horrid bits!

    Having had similar surgery that BB is having, I know that the wait to surgery date is the wordt bit – for you that is, as she won’t really understand what’s going on. But all of a sudden the date will be with you and then it will be done, and she will be starting the road to recovery.

    Annick x

  6. Aw Jane I totally understand. We just found out that my 3 year old needs to get grommets and whilst being nothing like what you have to go through the thought of his little body being knocked out for an operation has me worried sick. Thinking of you and see you on the other side. X

  7. I don’t think mothers are ever free of fright from the moment they give birth. Perfectly routine events are terrifying when they affect your own children. My daughter has to have a general anaesthetic soon and however often people tell me that the dangers are virtually nil, I’m still full of trepidation. You’ll no doubt be tormented until the day the plaster comes off and you find the op has worked and all I can say is that you’ll be in my thoughts all the way.

  8. You are a fantastic mummy and she is a fantastic BB. She will be fine and after the surgery all will be well again. I hope it goes really well. Hugs for all of you xx

  9. I’m thinking of you all, can’t imagine how you’re feeling. It’s funny though but when I think of all of your descriptions of BB I just somehow think she’ll fly through whatever is thrown at her and look at you all like you’re crazy for being worried! Big squeeze hug your way my luv x

  10. Aww. I can imagine how awful this is.
    DD2 had severe glue ear and needed grommets put in and her adenoids taken out, so also needed a General Anaesthetic. It’s only a little op, 20 minutes top but I spent every minute sitting in the cafe staring at a cold coffee, planning her funeral!
    I have a friend who’s now 9 year old had the op BB is having, and she’s now a a very active preteen without any hip problems at all.
    I hope it all goes well.

  11. I faced generals with all three of mine, and Smiley’s legs were in a cast for 6 weeks after surgery to help counteract her contractures. She kept smiling …. I know she can’t walk, but she can swim and she normally likes to kick her legs and they were immoveable. The time passed a lot faster than I expected and I’m sure it will for you too xx

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