Day 26: Dear Teacher…

Summer holiday diary entry for Twin Boy Day 26 : unknown

Summer holiday diary entry for Twin Girl Day 26 : unknown

Summer holiday diary entry for me, Day 26…

Dear Teacher,

Finally I am having a bit of what you have; respite from my children. I have no idea what they are up except that my mother is firmly in charge of them. I must say, immediately I am finding coping with the Summer holidays for easier whilst they are away. I suspect that’s how you feel about being a teacher on an inset day. I don’t actually have much to report back, in fact activity at my house is so quiet it is borderline dull.

I made a promise to myself at the beginning of the week to stop yelling so much and I am as proud as punch to report that I have not raised my voice once since hopping back in the car after taking the children to their nannies. It’s a remarkable achievement, I mean how many other parents could place their hand on their hearts and say that they have not shouted at their children in over seventy two hours. Exactly, I reckon there is still a chance of me getting a parenting medal before this summer break is done.

We obviously still have BB rocking round the empty house with he who helped create them and I, she is too young to be bothered with homework diaries yet but I imagine hers may read like this….

Dear Diary,

Life is good, woke up, got a full boob for as long as I liked, wasn’t rudely interrupted by anyone needing their grubby bottom wiping. Monopolised both parents for a while, just because I could, then got bored and went into my brother and sisters room for a while and emptied all their toys on the floor, I may have accidentally broken a few whilst doing this. Spent most of the day being carried by one or the other big person that lives here and then I basked in the limelight whilst both big people gave me a bath.

Developmentally I have come on leaps and bounds in just three days, I can now clap in time to chart buster “if you are happy and you know it” and I am almost able to point to the lump in the middle of my face when some fool says “BB where’s your nose?”

I have learnt quickly that a small mew from me brings both pairs of long legs rushing over when the un matching five year olds are away. I have also managed to eat a huge portion of twin boy’s chocolate stash and I now sleep with twin girl’s Barbies.

Oh yes diary, life is sweet as.


So as you see dear teacher, we are having a rather nice, quiet, time. Hopefully Nanny is forcing the twins to painstakingly fill in their diaries on a nightly basis but as ever I am fulfilling my end of the bargain.

From one parent without schoolchildren to a teacher without a class; enjoy it while you can, the end is coming….


19 thoughts on “Day 26: Dear Teacher…”

  1. I know you’re missing them really!

    Enjoy the peace and quiet – even though we only have one it is far from peaceful. I wish Frog would just “mew”. Instead, she’s learnt how to do a full-on, high-pitched scream with has already pierced one of my ear drums. Pleasant child.

  2. I’m finding it easy not to shout at my child too – probably because for a huge percentage of each 24 hours he is in his sweaty pit of a bed, not rising til lunchtime.
    I so remember asking him where his nose was and being delighted when he could touch it.

  3. Peace. Perfect. Peace.

    If I’m honest with you – my summer has been quite calm so far. My son is in a clinic being reassessed. It’s fantastic, they’re taking him climbing, swimming, to mini golf. The other day they took him to a lama farm. Of course they’re also doing lots of tests. He’s away from around 7am until around 4pm every day. The elder two are both now officially teenagers. Teenage daughters are the best: think sipping coffee together, shopping together… OK, don’t think of buying anything for yourself, but do imagine using your plastic. A lot. But best of all they lie in bed or read a book or disappear with their laptop. Or call their friends. OK you may lose use of your own phone, but it’s a minor detail. But the very best bit of all is they help you clean. Sometimes.

    And the 4yo is a little louder than necessary, on occasions (mostly due to constant singing), but generally is cuddly and sweet. And when I can’t do the entertainment program any more – I just set her loose on a teenager!!

    Cheers: To peaceful moments!!

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