Since having bb I have often hinted that my sanity levels have been somewhat compromised. The shift from two children to three robbed me of my ability to multi task, organise and of my memory function. For the first few months I dealt with some rather rubbish post natal blues which me and he who helped create them dealt with in our way. Him by trying to be supportive and caring, and me by yelling a lot and spending much time with mascara dripping down my cheeks asking if I was going crazy.
I am pleased to report in recent months things have been better in the mad house, I have been much less prone to emotional meltdowns and feel that the post natal blues are pretty much behind me. However my sanity does seem to have been affected certainly in the memory department. Yesterday I threw the husband and kids out of the door yelling ‘you are late’ as they clutched party presents and headed eight miles down the road for a school friends birthday. An hour later they all returned a little despondent as mummy had the date wrong and the party is next week. (At least the presents are wrapped now and we know where we are going – some call that forward planning.)
But that example of my post natal brain is small fry compared to todays rather idiotic display of stupidity on my part. BB and I popped into town for a few bits and upon return to the car I lovingly lifted my rather sleepy daughter into her seat and securely fastened her in. We were in a tight spot and as my car is the size of a bus I had to fold the buggy down and carry it over a rather nice BMW in order to access the boot. I left my nappy bag and my pretty little just purchased daffodils on the hood of the car and gave BB the keys to play with (who needs toys when you have keys.)
Upon return to the car I hopped in the driver’s seat and retrieved the keys from a then very unhappy BB and proceeded to set off back to the homestead. I must have got ten metres when an old dear driving a tiny little car started flashing and beeping her horn at me. Smiling at the senile old love I waved and mouthed silently that yes I was leaving and yes she could have my space. Then the old bat wound down her window and started shouting in a way that was not becoming to a woman of her age; and I couldn’t catch a word of it as I had Radio One pounding in my ears. Realising that she was not going to give up; I stopped the car and climbed out of my seat to see if she wanted help in parking or crossing the street or something similar.
“you drove over your bag!” – said the clearly not senile in any way old lady.
“Oh arse” said the clearly either very post natal or just plain stupid old me.
Very red faced and a little bit worried I climbed back into my car. My nappy bag contains everything, including camera (for up to date pictures of BB) a work blackberry and my own mobile. After the toasting of the original blackberry I didn’t think I could call work once more whilst on maternity leave to ask for a new phone again. Anyway I needed to survey the damage and retrieve my bag and so I decided (to the complete amazement of the old dear) that rather than reach under the car to pick up my squashed bag I would reverse over it once more and then lift it out of the road. I don’t think even I can claim post natal on that action I think that is clearly just pure stupidity.
The final straw came when after checking all items were safe which they were but for a covering of orange and mango fruit puree; I went again to leave the car park and as I drove up the road I watched my lovely daffodils scatter like flies into the road in front of me as I had still failed to put them in the bloody car.
So what do you think post natal or just plain stupid?
TheBoyandMe says
Shaking with laughter! That is tiredness! Plain and simple. I can’t believe you reversed back over it!
janeblackmore says
Honestly tho I am not tired, I had eight hours last night and do most nights! I think I am just a prat!
Mcai7td3 says
Haha Aww I am giggling a LOT! That really sounds like something I would do. My new name is Dory at home, I forget absolutely everything!!! TheBoyAndMe is totally right, it’s tiredness. Cure = hot beach somewhere exotic!
janeblackmore says
However I am with you for the cure!
Kerry says
This actually just made me laugh out loud, I don’t know which one it is but it is a classic moment. Thats for sure. At least you didn’t leave BB on top of the car! xx
Jacq says
I think it’s called having children but like the idea that the cure is a hot beach somewhere exotic. We will be trying that over Easter so will get back to you on that one…if I remember to.
janeblackmore says
I have beach envy x
Circus Queen says
Hilarious! Sadly, this is something I would have done even before I was pregnant so you don’t leave me much hope for when I’m postnatal! I’m amazed that your bag contents were generally ok.
janeblackmore says
Me too! Was dreading taking it all out!
eviegracesmummy says
Loving it I can imagine BB sat in the back wishing she had a phone to call the men in white coats!!! X
karencwise says
I can’t remember how out BB is, but apparently when the baby is 8 – 9 months, mothers experience a dip in their emotional state. That’s why some good HV’s check mums at the 8 month mark. So it might be that?
Don’t worry about it – the other week I couldn’t find any grey paint in the shops. My 5yo had to remind me it was just black and white pain mixed together…..
janeblackmore says
9 months on the nose!!!!
MellyBentley says
While you were popping out to get a few bits were you also going through the list in your mind? E.G:
when I get home I must, hang washing out, feed BB, prepare veg for tonights meal, sort another load, clean windows, walk dog, clean dog, change nappy, online banking… etc etc. etc.
This is what happens to me while I make the most enormous bunders
janeblackmore says
Yes spot on!
MummyMatters says
Oh dear, note to he who helped create them, Mummy needs a spa day for mothers day (3rd APRIL) otherwise there’s no telling what could happen next? Xx
janeblackmore says
Ohhh very good point! X
mummy@bodfortea says
Oh my poor dear, I’m sorry but I just had to laugh out loud at this one! Couldn’t find DD’s milk the other day, for some reason I’d filed it in the bathroom rather than the fridge!
If I Could Escape . . . says
Oh no. LOL That is totally something that would happen to me. Hugs.