The 3am friend

Truly touched,

That’s how I am feeling today, and not in a sexual loving touchy way but more the heartfelt warm snugly feeling you get when someone is rather fabulous towards you.

I don’t blog much about my friends, certainly I don’t think most of them would like me to document their toilet habits in the same way that I do twin boys and that seems to be what a lot of you like to read on these pages.  However I am lucky enough to have some rather fantastic friends, some living close by and others just a little further afield, some mummy friends, some college friends, some family friends and of course my 3am friends.

The 3am friend is the one you can call who will always pick up, the one who would walk on hot coals for you if you asked and the one who you call when the world is turning inside out.

Two of my 3am buddies live quite a hike away so I don’t get to see them as much as I would like, yet this often ensures our gatherings are a little messier than most nights out as we pack a lifetime into each meet up.  Recent excursions have involved a fabulous ski trip – topped off by rather unladylike behaviour involving sick down a mountain side; a trip to Brighton – topped off by rather unladylike behaviour involving sick in a pint pot.  You may guess the general theme involves a certain amount of alcohol.  I would also like to add the disclaimer than although I was responsible for the vomit I was not the vomitter.

My 3am friends were there for me when I had my children and lost my baby, they have held my hand through life since we met in a dingy office in Croydon many moons ago and have made my world better by being in it.  We have watched each other grow and shrink through pregnancy and over eating, and sobbed as we each walked in turn down the aisle  and said our wedding vows to three lucky men folk.  We tried to love each other a little bit more when a parent left us and have never let each other down consciously.  

Anyway back to the point, I recently blogged about my marathon training and holey running shoes; this morning the postman popped in and after I removed the dogs jaws from the mail I was excited to open a ‘registered’ letter.  Inside fell out some vouchers for a running shop with a note from my 3am girlfriend saying to go and buy new trainers.  Now I doubt she read my blog as a desperate cry for footwear and monetary donations but instead just saw an opportunity to be rather fantastically kind and generous.  Plus she also knows that every time I pull on my sweaty kicks I will think of her. 

But seriously how lovely is that?  Hence my rather warm snugly feeling that I am enjoying on the couch.

Did I mention that this 3am friend is just about to have her first baby as well?  She is blooming with pregnancy looking more radiant than ever. She will be a wonderful mother and I can’t wait to meet her baby.

So since I blogged openly about my lack of decent footwear I feel it is only right to share how I came by the trainers that will carry me over the finish line at the London Marathon 2011.

Thank you my lovely.

Should you wish to add to the snugly feeling read about why I am running the marathon here and leave some pennies:

Jane’s Marathon

9 thoughts on “The 3am friend”

  1. blimey that is sooo lovely. its nice to hear about generosity in this day and age. your post put a smile on my face!!

  2. What a fantastic friend! That is such a lovely thing to do. My 3am friend recently came back into my life after we’d had a break of 10yrs due to the fact that her hubby & I couldn’t stand each other. I accepted it reluctantly. On the verge of them splitting up, she texted me out of the blue & I rang her at midnight to find out what was going on. A week later she’d moved home. I sorted out school for her kids. We see each other several times a week now & I’m so glad she’s back! I really missed her. They are to be treasured!

  3. Love it love it love! Its an honour and a pleasure to be classed as one of those friends. The god awful job we did was worth it, I may not have managed to secure anyone sustainable and fulfilling employment but I gained two cracking buddies! Can’t wait for our next skiing trip 2012?! Xxx

  4. Wow. That’s lovely. Really lovely. Did you ever go to the blue orchid in croydon? Or a bar called easy street? Think it was called that – as awful as sounds.

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