Want to know more?

I have been tagged; not for committing any crime, and not for partaking in a game of catch either. I have been tagged by another blogger and for those of you who have no clue what this means let me enlighten you.

 Tagging in the rather odd cyber blogging world is where one blogger ‘tags’ another blogger to write a post on the same subject and then you tag more people to play along. So a bizarre combination of Chinese whispers and chain letters.

Thanks to the lovely Michelle over at Mummy from the Heart I am writing my first meme on seven things you may not know about me. It is supposed to be seven things you don’t know about me but I tend to talk a lot and there are very few things in this world that no one knows about me.

1. I have excessive wind when running, you will know this about me if you ever have the misfortune to be downwind of me when I run past you at the bus stop. I also once ‘trumped’ in the gym and then had to abandon the treadmill and throw dirty looks at the man next to me so people would think it was him. I am not proud of my actions or of this habit.

2. I was a vegetarian for over ten years and I threw it all away for a piece of cold chicken out of my student fridge. I now eat my steak blue with kangaroo on the side.

3. I am one exam away from being a qualified elocution teacher, and yet I still talk like a northern monkey.

4. I am a superhero with superpowers, I clearly can’t tell you which one as that would negate the purpose of having a secret identity.

5. I once pushed an old ladies bowel back inside her bottom; it was a long time ago and I can’t talk about it.

6. My favourite foods are canned beans and sausages and coco pops – please don’t tell the kids they are not allowed either.

7. I have secretly started watching Coronation Street again since the great tram crash; please don’t tell he who helped create them it was a condition of our marriage that I would quit my soap addition. Damn you Coronation Street producers…

So that’s me: To ensure this gets carried forward I am kindly asking some other bloggers to play along, check out their blogs as I think they are rather good.




@lincolnandme (she needs a bit of a shove to get her blog running again)




Thats all folks!

12 thoughts on “Want to know more?”

  1. WOW! You are going to be so quick doing the London Marathon with your ‘wind assistance’. Am tempted to come and see you run (with a camcorder)! Fab Blog really made me laugh x

  2. I’m loving this meme – did mine today as I was ‘tagged’ elsewhere. So much sharing going on. Who said today was a blue day? There’s so much fun and laughter going round.

    Great post 😉

  3. Can I just say when I met her she didn’t trump once. She didn’t sound like a northern monkey. And the super powers were just amazing. My bowel is much better – thank you.

  4. I trumped my way through pregnancy yoga and no-one else in the class thought it was funny. Bo-ring. Thinking of you today (for non wind related reasons)

  5. I was right to tag you!! I just knew you would make me laugh. You could sell your skills Jane, I would love to read some of your job adverts that go out!

    Now seriously we do need to know more about this bowel inicident!

    Mich x

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