bottom washer

We have had a rather lovely end to the festive season. The five of us travelled down to where the folk speak funny (somerset) to see he who helped create them’s nan. Now for a seasoned northerner like myself somerset is a little bit too south for me but I make exceptions for he who helped create thems grandparents and of course the children’s Great Aunty Suzie.

Upon arrival the children acted shy for all of three minutes and then descended into their usual boisterous selves. Twin boy clearly was super impressed by his great nan’s house when he scampered out of the bathroom yelping in delight ‘ Great Nan’s got a bottom washer’.

As we had starved our children for a good seven hours before arriving in the deep dark south so lunch went off without a hitch. The kids were so happy to be fed that they ate everything presented to them including green and white trees. Baby beautiful impressed the older generation by sucking on a long strip of beef for an hour till finally declaring it tasteless and flinging it to the floor.

Every family must have a Great Aunt Suzie, she came by after lunch and entertained twin boy and girl for an age, bringing on shrieks of enchanted laughter as she spoke about poopy nappies and princesses kissing Captain Hook.

Twin boy almost induced alopecia late on in the afternoon, when I let twin girl make a wish on an eyelash that had settled on her cheek. I then turned to find twin boy wrenching at his eyelashes in a fit of self plucking in order to get his wishes to come true.

The afternoon went off swimmingly, my children were fantastically well behaved which is not always the case. Truth be told it is rarely the case. Twin boy did leave with a few parting words of wisdom when he told his great grandparents that hopefully he would see them soon, but maybe not as they may have ‘died’ soon….

Well you can’t expect perfection!

8 thoughts on “bottom washer”

  1. Wow that IS impressive! Love the food deprivation idea for guaranteed eating of dinner – smooth!!!! The parting quote from your son is a classic… My 4YO speaks like that about my Great Aunt. Kids are so damn blunt!

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