Can holidays be a hobby?

I have been home for two days and already my feet are itching.  I want to replace the Hoover with a surfboard, and feel sand rather than carpet under my toes.

Can holidays become a hobby?  Or is that when we officially call it traveling?

My yearn to see the world is replicated in my three small people, the question of where are we going next falls repeatedly from their lips.  They are not greedy for holidays, but they crave new experiences, new towns to explore, new sights to see.  We have done Disney to Blackpool and lots of places inbetween,  everywhere is an adventure.

And there is so much to see, and in a lot of cases, for very little money.

In my exploration of the internet last night I found a cracking deal on Travel Republic to whisk us off to Sofia for a couple of nights in half term for under £450.

I would love to take the kids to walk over Eagle’s bridge, and go rafting on the lake Iskar.  We can amble around the magnificent cathedrals and marvel at the architecture, snack on Kiselo Mlyako as a pudding. Then we can finish our trip with a visit to Muzeiko  – to marvel at the interactive activities in this renown science museum.

Image courtsey of Shutterstock

Just getting the kids to experience another culture is incredible, both for their learning and enjoyment.

The world is our oyster, if I had my time again, I would have taken the kids away for months at a time before the constraints of school kicked in.  We never get on as well as what we do when we are outside of the family home.  Their eagerness to try new things and go new places is insatiable and I adore them for it.

We sat and discussed our plans for the next six months last night at dinner, and travel featured heavily.  They want to ski in the Alps, ride horses in Spain and visit historic places in Amsterdam.

None of it is cheap, but planned carefully you can manage to create a budget travel plan.  In my opinion too many people shy away from traveling because of the cost instead of looking at how to do it within a budget.

We can eat in, rather than out, travel at funny hours to reduce costs, look at free activities in the area we travel.

For me, it is just important that we go.

I don’t think it will be long before I book a trip again, the Alps are calling after a week in France.

The kids are right – they should know how to ski by now….

What about you?  Where do you dream of going with the kids?


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