Holidaying with girls is different to holidaying with the kids. A trip to the beach requires only a towel and some sun cream, unlike with the kids when you need to take more inflatables than a hen party, plus buckets and spades, plus snacks, plus bats and balls.

(no buckets and spades in sight)
When I took my small people to Gran Canaria, I had a fabulous time, but I also did 300 loads of washing, cooked a lot of chicken nuggets and made a lot of beds.
On holiday with the girls…. we don’t do any of that.
Well, we do pop the occasional load in the machine, and we do cook (not nuggets) but everything is split six ways, which means everything takes no time at all. I am all for female commune living.
But on occasion, things get confusing.
Take this morning for example.
We went to the gym, for the third time this week… We have trained hard this holiday, but we have been fairly relaxed about the food that has entered our mouths. When I say relaxed, I mean we have eaten everything and snacked in-between.
The food in the restaurants on site is amazing, Changos the Mexican being a must visit for anyone who comes out to La Manga Club. Plus SuperStepha, is an amazing cook, so eating in our luxury villa is an absolute treat.
I am getting distracted with food memories….
This morning, I dressed for the gym, and packed for the spa. (Side note – La Manga spa is incredible, four different steam rooms and saunas, huge pool, and jacuzzis everywhere. Plus a range of treatments to suit everyone – I had a full body massage, it was amazing).
But the massage happened after the spa, and we are still talking about when I was getting dressed to go lift some weights.
So; I dressed in my usual fashion….
One sports bra on, followed by the second for extra protection. I am a woman with more than ample bosoms and sometimes one bra does not cut the mustard. Sometimes during a workout, one bra has been known to give way, normally when my friend Michael is training with me. It is always embarrassing….
Today, when trying to fasten my second over the shoulder boulder holder, I struggled. Seriously struggled.
I wiggled, weaved, and contorted my body to fit into something that slipped on last week. I actually had a moment of pure sadness as I realised that eating bread and drinking San Miguel all day was clearly doing me no favours at all.
But I am nothing if not determined.
With a huge intake of breath and a massive pull, I was in, the puppies were contained and I was ready to work out.
But, Jesus it hurt. It hurt so much that I accused the other ladies in my party of washing my clothes on too high a temperature, because surely it had shrunk, rather than I had grown?
It felt like an elastic band cutting into my skin.
But I struggled on….
The first exercise was a short bike ride – La Manga Club has every sport going so we had to try our hand at cycling yesterday, and today we returned the bikes. We all perched on our two-wheeled vehicles with winces of pain following our epic journey along the coast yesterday.
CrossFitters don’t seem to make outstanding cyclists yet…..
Check out Sammysam’s video to see our antics…
After the bikes were returned we needed to walk. I was partnered with SuperSteph, the one whose cooking was responsible for my increased back size. After ditching our bikes and returning to foot, we walked and chatted, and discussed what we were going to attempt at the gym….
SuperSteph said she was keen to try cardio, but was concerned, because like me, she was of generous bustage but smaller than myself.
Then the penny started to drop….
“Are you not wearing a sports bra?” I questioned, as mine took another layer of skin off my back…..
“I can’t find it,” she commented, “must be on the floor somewhere.”
Blushing red, I gulped and I asked “ummmm, what does it look like SuperSteph?”
“Black,” she answered, “with a white trim.”
Oh God…..
I turned to her, and pulled down my neckline ever so slightly….. “like this?” I muttered,
Her expression said it.
I was wearing her underwear….. This doesn’t happen when holidaying with the kids.
I only hope I make it home in my own knickers….
This post is written from La Manga, where we are reviewing James Villas accommodation. It is simply belting. For more details check out
Tee hee! How embarrassing. Still, it could’ve been worse. It could have been her kecks you were wearing!
Have a fantastic time, and remember, the whole point of all that exercise, is so you can eat and drink to your heart’s content…..