When your ribs are breaking……

A few months ago I was asked if I would run Race for Life, a well-known event that raises life saving funds for Cancer Research.

I agreed instantly.

Then I had the bright idea of asking my nine-year old daughter to run with me.

She agreed instantly.

I explained we would need to train, I explained that running 5k is something you need to build up to, I explained that I was not a fan of walking in any race.

She nodded happily, blissfully unaware that training meant running…..

It would seem, my daughter is not a fan of running….

In fact, I would go as far to say, she pretty much downright hates it.

With a passion….

The mind is strong, the body unwilling.


 Race for Life image courtesy of Shutterstock

In her head, Molly really wants to run.  In my head, I am a calm and compassionate running coach.  When we run together Molly wants to crawl and I lose all empathy.

It’s not pretty….

But according to the world of my daughter, this is why she shouldn’t run (all spoken when running).

This is breaking my ribs, my heart is beating so fast it will break my ribs.

I cannot breathe, where is the air, I need to stop.

My ankle, my ankle doesn’t work.

It’s too hot to run.

It’s too cold to run.

I’m a diabetic, is this even allowed?  Can diabetics run, should we google this?

My ribs – when they break you will feel so guilty.

Why do people run marathons, are they idiots?

Walking, now that’s a sport.

When can we stop, this is simply inhuman.

Running with Molly has been emotional…

But on our last training run, where I think we both cried, she came out with one last comment….

Mummy, if running is this hard, how do people cope with Cancer, which must be harder.

Which is why we are still running.

In just over a week, Molly and I will stand at the start line, with countless others and we will run, whine, cry and whimper our way through 5k.  Because we want to see an end to Cancer.

training run

We will stand proud on Sunday 19th, running for everyone everywhere who has been affected by this simply shitty disease.    On our backs will be written the names of my two Aunts, with the words in memory written in a shaky hand.  Both taken far too soon, both beautiful people who fought so hard to stay.

We will run for survivors; for a teacher, for my Aunt, and for a very lovely friend.  These women have inspired my daughter to want to give something back (no matter how much she thinks it may break her ribs).

We will run to show our support, to see an end to Cancer.

You can sponsor us here: https://www.justgiving.com/janepettit

Our sponsors

We were invited to run Race for Life this year by Brioche Pasquier, who have been keeping Molly fuelled with snacks to get her through the race.  We cannot thanks them enough for the chance to join their team, the yummy treats (we have an addiction to the Pain au lait with Chocolate Chips). The individually wrapped products, Pitch, are perfect for post run carb reloading and fit rather well in lunch boxes to make them different from the norm.

Brioche are offering a £500 additional donation to a Race For Life runners fundraising page, all you have to do is share you Race for Life photos.  Check out the full details on their page here.


2 thoughts on “When your ribs are breaking……”

  1. I’m sponsoring Molly, not you. Tell her I love her and she can do this. How far has that amazing young lady come in the past yr from crutches to this? xxx

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