Beale Park has been a haven of mine since the twins were small. It is a beautiful childrens park based close to our home, just outside Pangbourne.
Kids never fail to have a wonderful day out, spotting animals from the train. Cruising in cars in the Little Tikes Area. Swinging on rope bridges and paddling in pools.
It is the perfect day out for kids under ten.
As school looms close for my youngest child, every second we spend on private days out together are treasured.
Today we enjoyed sunshine and ice cream. Savoured the coolness of the paddling pool as the rare heat of the UK summer fell across our shoulders.
We ate sandwiches by the sand. Waved to geese who roamed wildly and snorted at pigs who were too hot to contemplate moving.
It was a perfect day to play at Beale Park.
It seems crazy but we’ve only recently got an annual pass to Beale Park. I have been before but only twice and one of those was when we lived further away. I’m hoping to get a couple more visits in before school starts and it would be great if one of them was a day when M is at nursery so I can have a girly day with B.