BB got her school place over the Easter holidays, come September she is supposed to join her brother and sister Monday to Friday under the care of another woman.
This was supposed to be my Utopia, but since the letter arrived the world has felt a wee bit grayer.
I’m simply not ready.
Whereas my smallest seems positively eager to go.
I have considered delaying her start, doing half days, for a brief moment I considered home education (then I sobered up and looked in the mirror).
I am not ready for my baby to grow up.
Three is a magical age, BB spends her days clipping around in high heels, she wears party dresses to pre school. Often I find her knee deep in my Bobbi Brown. I can’t imagine popping her in uniform yet, stripping out the originality of her unique dress sense.
When she is not mid or pre tantrum she is the best sidekick in the world. Her giggle is the sound of happiness personified, her imagination knows no bounds. One minute we are mimicking Elsa and Anna, and the next we are aboard a spaceship powered by Frogs heading to Mars. Last night she would only go to sleep if we called her Goldilocks, tonight she seems to be already in my bed.
She wakes in the morning and asks for me, she strokes my cheek and tells me I am the most beautiful mum in the world.
As I said – her imagination knows no bounds.
She dreams about school, I wonder who I will chat to in the day.
She stares at books trying to learn to read, I cling on the bedtime story time, hugging her in my arms.
She wants to fly. I don’t want to clip her wings but would it be so bad to delay her start? To have a few more months of mischief together before education starts to soak up her hours?
We have four months left, I plan on soaking up every minute before I wave goodbye at the school gate.
Were you ready for your baby to go to school?
This has given me a huge limp in my throat – I’m not ready either. I wonder if it’s because they are our last, our number threes or whether it’s because they’ve been through so much. I don’t want to let her go *sob*
Shall we move to Holland – they start at seven then!
Kate is starting school in February. She isn’t even 3 yet! She was born just before the June 30 cutoff so will be 3.5 when she starts school – at least it is only 2.5 days a week. But still, she is so teeny I can’t imagine her at school. She’s desperate to go though!
I think most kids are – but I remember seeing the twins when they realised this was for a long time – then the eagerness went!
When this day comes I am certain that I will be in pieces, I’m half way through my maternity leave at the moment and the thought of going back to work devastates me!
We just need to take solace in the fact that we are all doing what is best for our babies… no matter how much it breaks our hearts!
But is school at such a young age good for them? shouldn’t they be out playing? x
wow that must be so tough 🙁 x She looks totally amazing and I can only imagine how tough it’ll be x I’ll be there in a couple of years myself and the thought fills me both with dread and excitement! You’ll have a fantastic few months together before September I’m sure xx
Thanks lovely x
Oh it’s horrid isn’t it when the youngest starts school. My youngest so very much wanted to go. I just wasn’t ready. Now mine are all teenagers and although I love it, I still remember those pre school years like they were TV gold playing in my mind. Usually when the teens are being moody bums. Elinor x
oh lord, teens….
My daughter is starting in September and she is my first child and I am not ready at all. I am going to miss that girl so much, probably too much. Even though I have my son here and will do for some time, I can’t get over the fact that I am not going to see her for hours rather than three hours. It really isn’t fair. Hugs to all that have children starting school this year x
Exactly Kelly!”
Ooh gosh, this will be me this time next year and I am already dreading it! Syd is another young one, he won’t turn 4 until the middle of August next year, and in theory he will start school 3 weeks later, which makes me well up at the thought of my tiny man in school uniform and not being quite ready. I too have considered delays or part time starts, but it won’t be until much nearer the time that I will be able to judge if he is ready. In all honesty I think he will be – he has settled into pre-school well for his couple of sessions a week, and if we are out and about seeks out the company of other children over my own. I have a sneaking suspicion it will be me who is not ready rather than him!
They are just so little *wails*
In a word. No. And nor am I ready for the fact that same “last one at home” is doing GCSEs this year. Nor the middle one going to Uni. Or the oldest now living with her boyfriend.
The time flies. They are at home for such a short time and we want to cling on to that forever. But equally we are making these independent little people and if she is ready then maybe it is time. But that really doesn’t make it any easier.
Not easier at all 🙁
Oh darling Jane, I know exactly how you feel. To me each passing phase feels like a little bit of mourning for the baby lost. Whatever you do, don’t listen to Slipping Through My Fingers by Abba! Hayley x
That song has been stuck in my head all day now – and have been on the brink of tears just listening to it in my imagination!!!!
My last post is only a very similar vein. F just got his place confirmed as he is august born do very little.
He will be going as I just want to make sure he fits in socially and doesn’t fall behind, I know he will struggle with a lot though but I am just trying to enjoy and the fun things about being 3 until this era ends x
Good plan Katie x
I was oh so ready, which I think shows deep flaws in my character. But this Sept my eldest baby starts secondary school. I’ll no longer be part of the scene at the school gate because she’ll walk there alone and I know that that really is the beginning of the time that we’ll lead parallel lives. And I don’t like it.
I was ready the first time, but BB seems much smaller and we have so much fun!
Fab post! My youngest starts school in September too and I’m gutted. Although he’s a December baby, so very ready for it, but he still seems so little to be away from me THAT long 🙁
Sad times!
I broke my heart when my baby started school…whenever she starts it will make you sad I think but these are precious days indeed
they are Becky x x
I was ready, so was he, but I do remember this feeling well 🙂
definitely not ready. maybe that is the good side of being away from uk at the moment. not having to take my eldest yet in school. here she is still at nursery and she still has fun. but my youngest? i am not even ready to take her to nursery yet. saying goodbye is hard no matter the situation i am afraid.
I know 🙁
I was completely not ready, he hardly said goodbye as I stood sobbing at the gate. When I went to pick him up, I was met with a “what the earth (how he thought it was said at the time) are you doing here!”… Goodluck, it’s such a heartwrenching thing… x
Thanks Emma x
Totally relate to this post although really think Oliver is so ready for that next step, so I need to be too x
Apparently we will catch up!
All this to look forward to…
yes, it comes to us all! x
Tis true what they say, blink and they are adults!
We have another year to go and just do preschool four mornings a week at the moment which is plenty. I really don’t like the idea of full-time school next Sept! Where does the time go?
Tis true what they say, blink and they are adults! x
Aww it’s so hard. I was really sad when mine started school. More than anything I hated having to force her into a uniform and lose her sense of identity. Hopefully she’ll be like me when she’s bigger and push her luck with her school uniform! ;0)
I imagine mine will be!
Oh it’s so tough isn’t it. I wasn’t ready when my little boy toddled off to school and even now he’s 18, I watch from the window as he heads for the bus-stop and keep an eye out in the afternoon for him coming back.
Aw Trish – that is so cute!
Same here 🙁
who are you going to craft with?
Oh I know this so well, I hated and loved the start of preschool in equal measures. I enjoyed the time I had on my own but I was always first to the door to pick them up fussing over them and making sure they’d had a good time.
Enjoy the next 4 months, the clip clopping sound and the adventures still not taken x
Thanks Mari
drink up every second of the coming months, and when she starts school her imagination will take her far and you will be so so proud of her x
Thanks lovely x x
I was with Kitty but not with Ozzy, I think for me it was different with him being the youngest *hugs your knees – your beautiful knees*
I wasn’t ready last year. In fact I’d go as far as saying my son wasn’t ready to go. Due to his additional needs he can still wet himself at school several times a day too. But he wanted to go, and we have been lucky that he has support (not sure if I would have sent him otherwise), and now I’m really glad he did because it has been so good for him. My second oldest moves to secondary September (travelling at least 13 miles there and back a day) – so I’m not looking forward to it either. Hope it goes well for you both.