More things the NCT never told me….

I loved my NCT classes I really did and I don’t regret a penny I spent on them but still in retrospect I think they glossed over some of the parts of motherhood creating a more idealised view, just thought it was worth sharing a couple of things that the NCT never told me.

Breastfeeding can make you thin was the advice my lovely natural leader told me, turns out that doesn’t apply if you spend all day feeding and eating cake; if you do this for two and a half years you will simply be a biffa.

Epidural will give you a high that you will spend months of your life looking for in other ‘legal’ forms .

A C-section can save your ladies bits splitting but no amount of tummy crunches will hide that extra ‘fold’ the knife leaves behind.

Epidural gives a false introduction to childhood, it takes away the pain that your seven-year old daughter can shovel firmly back at you when she retorts back at you with all the wit and wisdom of a sixteen year old girl

Your libido is prone to catching a piggy back on the placenta in the after birth, this should be a deterrent for future children but somehow  us women manage to cope without it when going in for number two.

A contraction is like a feeling of tightening around your tummy, tightening meaning an equivalent to King Kong embracing you fiercely and snapping a couple of ribs.

Your bladder control will be knackered, regardless of  how that baby makes it out; sneezing is to be avoided at all costs and you may want to ditch your highly amusing friend who can make you laugh out loud (or carry spare pairs of M&S knickers.)

Your own babies cry will be 4,000 decibels louder that anyone elses.

You could make any one elses child adhere to a routine via controlled crying but your own baby will be the exception to the rule.

Kids can still on occasion crap themselves when they are way past potty training age….

Being a mum can accelerate emotions, you don’t know a love like it but in return you discover a whole new way of yelling.

Looking at schools can dominate your life, take over your conversation and leave a dinner party bore.

Your monthly food bill with three kids is likely to be equivalent to the same cost as a mini break pre childbirth.

Any more?


7 thoughts on “More things the NCT never told me….”

  1. Oh I couldn’t agree more – they were far too idealistic – I’ve had to grudgingly accept my tummy fold, and most times I sneeze, I wee. I used to enjoy a good sneeze too – now I have to cross my legs and squeeze my lady muscles!

  2. I guess they have to leave some surprises?! More seriously, I figure its because antenatal classes cover up to and immediately after birth; locally here they do postnatal classes which I suspect cover more of these things. 🙂

  3. Guilt. They never mentioned the frigging guilt! The all consuming over whelming guilt of being a working mother and paying someone else to look after your child; the first time you give your baby calpol; turning your back for 1-second and finding he has rolled off the bed; forgetting to book his 2-year check up; tv; sweets; iPad… it is never effing ending 🙁

  4. I have to confess, that I never went to NCT after the woman made me feel guilty for not booking the classes when I was about 5 weeks pregnant.. however, my GP told me I would get thin if I breastfed.. utter lies as I did sit and eat cake and no one told me that wasn’t part of the deal…! I did however have a great MW who pointed out as soon as baby popped out, the guilt would start.. it did. I felt guilty as I hadn’t bought newborn baby clothes as everyone said I wouldn’t need them and instead to buy 0-3months.. but he grew into them..eventually! 🙂 Lovely post, really made me smile this morning x

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