Celebrities – one minute they are dancing around in a very short Union Jack style frock and the next they are designing children’s clothes for Argos. It is true, Emma Bunton has launched a new set of children’s clothes into the UK market and Twin Boy, Twin Girl and BB were sent some to try out.

You can view the full collection here and currently there is a sale on so is a good time to buy.

The clothes themselves are trendy whilst remain good for children. I dislike the new trend of clothing kids as if they were about to embark on a night out clubbing. Twin Girl loved twirling around in her new frock and BB’s dresses not only looked adorable but they also complemented her spica cast which is no mean feat.

My one concern was that it in an economy that is driven by price these clothes do sit at the top end of my budget however we have worn them extensively over the last few months and they have worn well. twin boy has worn the jeans everywhere and BB has dragged her dresses over sand, soil and cement and still they have not torn or frayed.
The little red and white dress looks so cute on BB.
Just had a quick peek at the collection. There were some wonderful pieces in there but have to agree with you about the price, and even though a lot of them are currently on offer, it does seem a little expensive. Will have a proper look through once I get the chance to sit down!
Saving Mummys Money