Twin Boy’s Diary entry : week 3 of the summer holidays
This week was great, we went to Lollibop, Cadbury’s World, London Zoo, and swimming.
Twin Girl’s diary entry : week 3 of the summer holidays
Mummy didn’t go to work this week, it was great
My diary : week 3 of the summer holidays
Dear Teacher,
I am knackered.
Being a full time mum for a week trying to make up for working four days a week is nothing short of exhausting. After numerous days out I am now an official approved gold standard picnic maker. I even dream about spreading butter on baps and chopping up fruit. I love spending time with the children but heaven help me I long for the moment that their eyes finally close and my lips melt round a cold glass of Pinot Grigio. Really I finally see why you need such extended holidays, it is well deserved respite. My children alone are relentless, I take my hat off to anyone who can deal with a classroom of 30.
I am now crossing days off with a red marker pen on the calendar until the return to school. I am back at work next week and am actually looking forward to the rest.
I would tell you more about our days but quite frankly the kids have just fallen silent and I will be heading to snoozedom shortly after downing three shots of gin and chasing them down with a Pinot. Had I have taken a fortnight off I may have returned to smoking…..
Sleep tight teacher, enjoy the silence….
I know many other parents currently share my pain, so I would like to spread a little northernmum love and offer a chance to 5 readers to win a little bit of cash to spend on Tesco’s clothing range. Tesco’s have given me five £30 vouchers as a competition prize, all you have to do is leave a comment below and follow them on Twitter @clothingattesco.
Tesco have a fabulous new click and collect service, you order online and then collect in store, so you get access to a much larger range of clothes. I was given a £30 voucher to trial the service and can happily report back that Twin Boy and Girl now have their school uniforms for next term hanging in their wardrobes; all I need now is someone to label them for me….
If you are feeling ultra competitive head over to the Clothing at Tesco Facebook page. They are currently running a nostalgic school quiz for fans on the page, with the chance to win a year’s worth of school uniform. Competition closes on Sunday 21st August.
So, my competition ends on Sunday 21st at midday, it is open to anyone who can use a voucher code. The five winners will be announced Sunday 21st in the evening.
1. To enter – please leave a comment below
2. For a second entry, follow @clothingattesco and leave a comment to say you did.
Good luck.
Mammasaurus says
Tescos vounchers are all well and good but all that – in one week – are you running on D batteries ?! Bloody hell hats off to you! I’m taking 2 of the kids to Peppa Pig World tomorrow with Papasaurus (as I’m now forced to refer to him for anonymity purposes!) and that bloody enough ! I’m tired and we haven’t already left yet !
Beans nursery 2.5 days a week are ‘on holiday’ till the schools go back – and it’s taking it’s toll – I am putting away 2.3 packets of Malted Milk biccies a week at the moment in my coffees.
I feel your pain.
Am following tescoclothing now on twitter so I hold you personally responsible for any distress caused 😉
janeblackmore says
Double A’s honey!
Charlotte says
Please enter me! I went to Lollibop too with my two – great but LONG day. Left north wales at 7am – 2 hours on the train encouraging them to use their ‘quiet voices’ in amongst all the laptops – a hot day at Lollibop, fololowed by the same journey home = exhausted but great memories!
janeblackmore says
yours have quiet voices? where do you get that from?
We went to Lollibop on the day of the torrential down pours, it was still awesome though!
Charlotte says
am follwing as well!
Multiple Mummy says
Well – that is a busy week! I am a teacher by trade (science and big kids) but honestly the twins and Noah exhaust me more than teaching! As you say it is relentless! How you do that and work I have no idea…I miss work for sanity’s sake though sometimes, I loves my kids but sometimes a rest would be good! Is that bad?
Am following on twitter!
janeblackmore says
Not bad at all, in fact totally normal.
My kids are much better behaved for their teachers, they are not ‘evil’ with me but phew they can be challenging!
more wine?
teawithonesugarplease says
Ah you should have stayed at work and got a proper rest from being a mother!
janeblackmore says
this mummy stuff is tricky
Nicki Cawood says
Sounds busy! Those silent times make all the blissful difference don’t they?!
Please pop my name in the hat, and I already follow the lovely folks at Tesco 🙂
*Regardless I will not leave my top up uniform shopping until the last few days before school restarts*.
janeblackmore says
Ha! good luck with not leaving it until the last minute!
My husband breathes a huge sigh of relief when Monday finally comes around and he can go back to work, with a hop,skip & a jump (well he would if his Gout wasn’t playing him up *yawn*).
You have well & truly deserved the gin & pinot, I had 5 hours on a train with my quiet 8yr old yesterday & that was exhausting enough….
Last time I won a Tesco code I must’ve spent over £100…they know what they’re doing!!
Please enter me anyway….I am following on Twitter
janeblackmore says
Are you sure??????
I dont want you spending a fortune because of me!
5 hours on a train….. eek
I am driving mine alone for 300 miles on saturday, am dreading it with every inch of my body!
OMG…300 miles…..on your own…..with 3 kids…..are you mad???
You need to fit one of those screens that they have in black cabs (do they still have them?) between the front & back seats…..and turn the radio up very loudly.
I would say call in at mine for a refreshment stop but sadly I won’t be home…..
Sew Scrumptious says
I’d love to enter please! Great giveaway.
janeblackmore says
Consider it done! x
Beth says
Love to enter thanks – can’t argue with Tesco for good value!
Have also followed @clothingattesco and some of their other Twitter accounts hehe!
Thanks x
Michelle Cooper says
Already following @clothingattesco.
I’m a childminder so its kids galore everyday !!!!
Enjoy the rest of the hols x
PoorParenting says
Sounds utterly exhausting! You are a very good mother though. Albeit presumably a tired, drunken, bankrupt one after this week’s activities…
janeblackmore says
Right on all three counts!
Off to the beach today.
Its raining…
claire says
I am very tired too 🙂
What a great competition 🙂
I am already a follower of @clothingattesco
thank you 🙂
Make do mum says
I enjoy working part time as it’s like having a break, my little one isn’t at school yet so I haven’t had to deal with school holidays though 🙁 Good luck and keep the fridge stocked with wine!
janeblackmore says
Its an odd one mine weren’t at school last year and I don’t remember feeling so exhausted by the process of the holidays.
Still one could argue that I have taken on a little bit too much this week…
Make do mum says
And I’m now following Tesco clothing on twitter @makedomum
simplyhayley says
Sounds like the perfect thing for buying some post baby clothes! Not that I have the body for them yet anoyingly lol!
janeblackmore says
I am 15 months on since BB was born and still not got it back
Julia Rockett says
Please enter me in the draw! This would come in handy for school uniforms or perhaps a new frock for me. Decisions, decisions!
Julia Rockett says
Already following Clothing at Tesco on Twitter @juliasuzanne76
Claire Blizard says
You made a picnic … as a mum of four I am lucky if I remember to leave the house with my pants on let alone a well stocked picnic basket. 🙂
C xx
janeblackmore says
Sleep in your pants – makes it easier not to forget!
Sarah Selby says
I’m finding there aren’t a lot of extra activities available for the Under 5’s in my area, my two children are getting a little bit bored, especially with the muserable weather!
janeblackmore says
Soft play??????
Deliciousnessy says
Ooooooh! I saw some great stuff in Tesco clothing the other day for my hols.
I also already follow @clothingattesco
Hope you’re getting some rest! X
janeblackmore says
Simon Collinge (@cobbiecollinge) says
Following @clothingattesco on Twitter, thanks for the comp! 🙂
Louise Loubabes Howgego says
please enter me i have nothing interesting to say other than that lol 🙂 xx
helloitsgemma says
Ooooh more competitions!
Poor you – maybe superbreak could provide you with a spa break – I could support you, pass fluffy towels, glasses of wine and the such like – after all HWHCT would need to look after the children?
janeblackmore says
HWHCT would leap at the chance!
Michelle says
Oh so could do with getting some holiday bits in before we go away! And wow, I thought I had a busy week but yours is manic!!
Nice hot bath and early night must be on the cards!!
janeblackmore says
Hmmm, to be replaced by a day at the beach and a bbq! X
pamperedmummy says
Totally feeling your pain and have already written numerous posts to prove it!!! Would love to in the voiuchers as they are in deperate need of new clothes as all these day out have ruined their clothes.
janeblackmore says
The pain is widespread it seems x
pamperedmummy says
Following @clothingattesco now too!
raremum says
Can I enter too? I dont have school hols to contend with but do have a teething 5 month old – I can hear his screams in my sleep. Does that count?
janeblackmore says
Welcome aboard!
Sara says
I dont think I’ve ever appreciated teachers as much until this holiday. We have a new foster son with autism and challenging needs.I think I may be ready to fall at his teachers feet by September x
janeblackmore says
Wow, well done you x
Sweetaswhisky says
Do you live near north London/Birmingham? There is a really good organisation called They have summer clubs, day trips, etc..
janeblackmore says
No I am berkshire based, plus kids not autistic? X
Mummy_V says
It does all sound knackering! I have to say I do also sometimes see going to work as going for a rest and I only have one! Fab prize 🙂
Mummy_V says
Already following @clothingattesco on twitter (@Mummy_V)
Squeakymom says
Two days a week (plus weekends) is more than enough for me most weeks, I need a nap after just reading your week!
janeblackmore says
Lol I do tend to be tired! X
Squeakymom says
And I’m following clothingattesco on twitter – @meedja
Tired-mummy (@TiredmummyofTwo) says
following @clothingattesco and commenting. Hope I win still not bought any school uniform
Kate Highley says
You really did pack lots in you crazy mamma! I’m knackered enough just doing one day trip a week, with other smaller outings each day! If only I had work to go to to rest! x
janeblackmore says
Still going kate! Beach today
Ali H says
My daughter, nearly 5, is about to start school and my plans to return to work full time have been somewhat shattered by the realisation/rememberance that there are such things as school holidays ! In fact the first 2 week holiday is only 6 weeks after the beginning of term. My goodness, I think the only option is to retrain to be a teacher.
PS I already follow @clothingat tesco. Good competition, thankyou.
janeblackmore says
Ha! Good luck x
Tracy (@Mummiafelice) says
wow have you recovered yet?? I need to take a leaf out of your good Mummy book though – you’re making me look bad! ;P
I already follow @clothingattesco 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway x
janeblackmore says
This mummy m lackey is overrated….. X
Carole says
I am sat here chuckling, knowing that the school holiday tornado will hit me in a few years time – at the moment I am trying to come to terms with potty training, which doesn’t seem to have the set schedule that school holidays do – it seems to be a random process of R deciding if and when he wants to use the potty! I wonder if R going to pre-school will have the same impact!
Hope to see you soon!!
janeblackmore says
Did I not tell you potty training was wrong! You’ll love pre school!
Erica Price says
Really useful prize – still got some bits to get so would be great for me.
Erica Price says
Following @clothingattesco
Mcai7td3 says
How the heck do you keep 3 entertained in the car!! I can barely manage one! Sounds a really fun week though.
janeblackmore says
Will tell you tomorrow…… wish me luck
Sweetaswhisky says
Ooowww vouchers from Tesco.. We would buy a DVD, pj’s and of course chocolate .. and snuggle down under the quilt and watch the rain fall as we happily eat and giggle our way through the film.
Caroline Elmhirst says
Great comp! My eldest girl starts school in Sept, so this would be a big help!! On twitter @CazzaE
Grey Alice (@grey7alice) says
Please enter me! 🙂
I’m already following clothingattesco with @grey7alice
Rhoda K says
What a brilliant prize, will really come in handy.
Already following Tesco on twitter as @rhodak09
Zoe Hankey says
Please enter me, I am also following @clothingattesco
Fab read once again, are you going to submit your holiday diary to the teacher?
TheBoyandMe says
What a lovely competition, please consider this an entry.
P.S. You are a mad mother who deserves a medal. And Pinot…
janeblackmore says
Lots of pinot!
TheBoyandMe says
Also following @clothingattesco
sharma gaskill says
Fantastic competition, you are a true super mummy 🙂
janeblackmore says
Why thanks x
Elaine Livingstone says
could do with this prize, please enter me as well, @pooohbear2811
Elaine Livingstone says
following on twitter as well @pooohbear2811
Liz Burton says
What a brilliant prize! @missielizzieb
Liz Burton says
Following on Twitter @missielizzieb
helen wilcock says
Ha ha tell me about it…. rock on September!! would love to win the prize so am also following on twitter. x
janeblackmore says
three more weeks……
and counting
Rachel Dsouza says
I have just found you and must say I wish I listened to the midwife when she told me to do my pelvic floor exercises!!!!! I will deffinately follow you on twitter!
janeblackmore says
lol – funny lady!
Kate says
I have just got the children back after 3 days away camping. Daddy takes them camping and I stay home “in peace and quiet” as Missy Woo puts it. But then, next week, I’ve to drive them all the way down to my mum’s, put up with her for 3 days, then drive them to Devon via a stop off in Somerset. Daddy will be joining us via train on the Saturday. I make that 5 days on my own with them. He’s done 6, he’s just winning.
Oh, I’ve followed clothingattesco too.
janeblackmore says
not to mention driving past the reading festival!
Jo says
Wow busybee is not the word for it, I bet you had a good time though.
I would love to be entered into the Tesco draw too please.
Thanks for the chance
janeblackmore says
Tired busy bee x
Jo says
Following @clothingattesco as Jo_Bryan
Catherine (@MummyLion) says
fantastc prize@mummylion
Catherine (@MummyLion) says
i’m followinf tesco too @mummylion