She is three, and yet still doesn’t seem to have any grasp of social etiquette what so ever. Her manners are appalling, her tantrums so extreme that she scares people and to be honest most days I think the family would be much quieter and less stressful without her.
Have you met Sadie yet? She can often be found on ebay but no one ever bids for her. She is my slightly neurotic, manically mental german shepherd collie cross rescue hound. Or as he who helped create them calls her fondly, our ‘miscarriage mistake’.
After losing our very much hoped to be bundle of joy last summer and coping with the premature death of a much adored aunt he who helped create them and I struggled a little. We are both a bit of a get on and deal with it type couple but for once life had thrown a curve ball that belted us both firmly in the guts. We moved like silent strangers tormented by the empty air, I don’t think either of us comprehended how much you can love someone you have never met.
But tears soon had to be dried and conversations resumed, twin boy and girl remained firmly oblivious to our loss and for once twin girl managed to not comment on my twelve week bump.
Now in retrospect one could say I took advantage of he who helped create them.
Not one to be described as a dog lover whereas I would happily adopt a whole farmyard of animals he made the mistake of wondering out loud.
‘Maybe we should get a dog?’
So far that day we had discussed moving, redecorating, taking a holiday. Truth be told we were clutching at straws for ways to eliminate the hole that had appeared in our lives. However this one was too good to miss.
A bottle of wine later and several pictures of depressed puppy eyes floating across the laptop and the idea began to take shape. Twenty four hours later a trip to the rescue home and incessant begging from two three year olds and sadie was sitting at my feet waiting to be brought home.
Now I adore the stupid mutt but she doesn’t make life easy for herself. She is not a lover of men as we discovered when she proudly pinned the postie to the ground and gleefully scattered the neighbours letters round the lawn. She hates cats, as we discovered when she tried to eat mine (he survived, check out his blog). She is also nervous which affects her in much the same way it does twin boy; she poops out her fear which again I discovered one night walking downstairs, barefoot, in the dark…
But she is ours; she has advantages as we have excuses to miss out on dear aunty mabels 95th birthday bash as no one will look after her as she is quite simply mad! Sadie that is, although dear aunty mabel is going that way too.
She also saved me, in a time of sadness she made me happy albeit she almost finished he who helped create them off! But because he loves me I get to keep silly Sades.
So I have one rather fabulous husband, four children and one baby sleeping in her great aunts arms in heaven somewhere and I love them all to pieces.
Aren’t I a lucky lass?
littlewifelittlemama says
I think we probably tolerate more from our pets than we ever would our children (I think this will be the case when I have kids) The cat demands special food, for us to go to bed when he dictates and to get up when he tells us to, to have fresh bottled water served to him in a glass…..the list goes on!
eviegracesmummy says
I lost my baby boy last year and find I am wary of other peoples feelings. When I am asked how many I have I say evie is my first girl as I don’t want them to feel sorry for me or awkward. Dan and I talk about William all the time but not with family or friends as they seem to feel uncomfortable we tell Evie every day about her big brother and have a star named after him and blow kisses to him every night. Hello everyone I have 2 amazing children and if it wasn’t for William Evie and I wouldn’t be here I am so proud of my little boy xxx
janeblackmore says
oh sara – i am so so sorry x
janeblackmore says
and I just realised I did what you didn’t want everyone to do! but am sure you know what I mean x x x
Can’t wait to one day meet Little e
Yorkshire Mum says
Made me smile! After my miscarriage I got boots!! They never talk back and are the perfect guest at dinner! 🙂
janeblackmore says
oh i got boots as well,
when you need wellies when walking in the knee high mud in the woods……
MummyLion says
it must be the shep/collie cross mix because mine is a ‘bit’ of a handful too! Could cheerfully strangle him some days but i’d never be without the hyperactive clingy mutt now. He’s got a dislike of men too. But he’s great with the baby and i’m supposing he’ll calm down eventually!
Gemma says
I got boots too how weird is that. Lovely post and touching comments.
Your life sounds exhausting. Respect is due.
The Contented? Maybe says
Silly Sades sounds splendid and super (even if the postman wouldn’t agree!). You are a lucky lass, though it seems to me the husband, the four children and the slightly neurotic, manically mental german shepherd are rather lucky too!