Mummy, will you always wee yourself now?

Since beautiful baby has arrived she has managed to achieve quite a lot. She has completely ruined my figure, (clearly it was she who had a craving for pizza not me) she has managed to get me to expose my breasts to the postman, the milkman, and very nearly my father-in-law. She has also managed to reduce me (a cynical, sarcastic almost middle aged woman) to an over enthusiastic, baby gurgling, obsessed mummy. Seriously if you come within 50 yards of the house I will entice you into the front room and insist that you spend hours looking at the 500 photos we have taken so far and then force you to stare at her whilst contorting your features into various expressions in order to make her smile, I will also force you to endure listening to me talking in baby speak and my personal favourite talking through the baby to you; i.e. ‘so does mummy’s friend want a cuddle, does she, oh yes she does.’

Who needs an alarm clock when…~ Northernmum

I remember when we decided to have a baby, the batteries on the alarm clock had ran out and rather than buying some new ones, myself and he who helped create them thought it would be make good financial sense to have a baby which would guarantee we would never sleep past 7am again (ever).

Family time on Sunday

Today was different.

Now twin one and two are at school the pressure is really on me and he who helped create them to have proper ‘family time’ at the weekend. God forbid in their therapy sessions later in life they comment that we stunted their development in life by occasionally staying in on the weekend and not hitting every farm, playground, duck pond, and theme park in a 25 mile radius.

However today we had something that had to be done and to be honest we have been putting it off for some time.

We had to go to church…..

Tea and Tissues

Today was the day, we have been waiting for this day for a long long time. I was up at 6.30am, washed my hair, cleaned my teeth extra well, painstakingly applied makeup in a way to try and make me look like I have made no effort and always loo naturally fresh faced. At 6.30am I have a tendency to look a little like the Gruffalo with no hairy wart on the end of my nose (it’s on my chin for those that are interested) so it takes a lot of make up to make it look like I am not wearing any. My outfit was chosen the night before, and nails were filed and toenail polish applied. By 7.45 I was as ready as I would ever be – oh yes I was ready for my first ever school run!

Press the button, a tale of one woman, three kids and a lift

Sweet lord, it has been a long time since I have ventured anywhere near a shopping centre with the bambinos in tow. However today proved unavoidable so beautiful baby was tucked into the buggy and twin one and two were issued with several rules and regulations about behaviour, running off and inappropriate bogey licking and off we went.