emergency measures: I need a poo

Its inevitable isn’t it. We just ate brunch at my parents home up north and have managed to pile ourselves, the dog, half of argos, some of Mothercare and a …

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Supernanny never had to deal with this

The things Supernanny doesn’t have to deal with

The moment my eyes were forced into action this morning I knew it was going to be ‘one of those days’. As the world outside our brown front door slumbered on with sweet Saturday snores our weekend began with bleach and bathroom battles.

Who needs an alarm clock when…~ Northernmum

I remember when we decided to have a baby, the batteries on the alarm clock had ran out and rather than buying some new ones, myself and he who helped create them thought it would be make good financial sense to have a baby which would guarantee we would never sleep past 7am again (ever).

Family time on Sunday

Today was different.

Now twin one and two are at school the pressure is really on me and he who helped create them to have proper ‘family time’ at the weekend. God forbid in their therapy sessions later in life they comment that we stunted their development in life by occasionally staying in on the weekend and not hitting every farm, playground, duck pond, and theme park in a 25 mile radius.

However today we had something that had to be done and to be honest we have been putting it off for some time.

We had to go to church…..