What my family does to smokers…

Driving home from an afternoon at a friend’s house today I decided to use the time wisely and attempt to explain the concept of laws to my two six-year olds.  It started off well as I explained that a law is like a rule but if you break a law you can be arrested and sent to jail.  This did seem to cause my two a little distress as they started to panic about occasions in the past where they may have bent a law and they seemed to fear that should their past misdemeanours be found out they would be spending the rest of their days in striped pajamas  getting a stripey tan through a barred window.

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It hurts my heart…

To my intense surprise out on our weekly supermarket trip this week my three little leg hangers all behaved impeccably.  So much so on the drive home I gushed to them about their behaviour and whilst telling them how great they were and not paying attention to my surroundings twin boy caught me in a vulnerable moment and asked if because they had been good could they have a treat.

  “Of course” I replied, thinking a Freddo or a fudge, maybe even half an hour of Scooby Doo.

“Wicked,” said twin boy, “can we go there.”

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