Tea Anyone……

How hard can it be to make a cup of tea?

I used to be a pro and I had a stylish routine.  I would respond to my inner call for caffeine quickly by heading to the kettle, removing it from its perch, filling it with the appropriate amount of water to avoid the nasty limescale bits at bottom, return to perch, turn on, reach for a cup, add PG Tips tea bag, click the sweetener in, remove semi-skimmed milk from fridge and unscrew lid in anticipation. 

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The silence this sunday

This morning I awoke to feel fear penetrating my heart in two ways.  The first way was via an  instant memory that today is the day of the Teddies Bear Picnic and the second impact of terror was the uncomfortable silence that was echoing through my normally excessively loud home.

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I’ve gone green

It’s funny how time and experience changes you into someone you never thought you’d be. 

If you’d have told me when I started the parenting journey five years ago that one day I publishing a blog entitled “I’ve gone green”, my first response would have been;

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A bubble for my bum?

I have been sent a cracking product to review; albeit it has a funny name.  It’s a BubbleBum; please note twin boy can’ even say this out loud without falling over …

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BB gets a bed guard

When you have children you give up hope of having a stylish home and instead you are forced to move all ornaments above little head height after a reluctance acceptance …

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