In Pursuit of Fairies….

Molly almost tumbled out of bed this morning with excitement. 

 ‘Todays the day we are going on a fairy hunt’ she whispered to her teddies.  Laying on her back and tipping her feet up towards the ceiling she nudged the mattress that lay above her on the top bunk edging her twin brother towards waking. 

“Owen,” she stage whispered, “let’s get up and go find some fairies.”

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I thought they were over, I was wrong

BB had another seizure;

Its astonishing really how quickly you can adjust to living with a condition. My heart raced but not as fast as the first time, my eyes leaked but not as long and not as hysterical as before.

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Dear BB

To my eleven month old daughter,

Words cannot describe the infinite amount of joy you have brought into my life since you clamoured out of the sunroof. I knew time would pass too soon as it always does when you fall in love. I have been wiser this time as a second timer and I have savoured every moment, cherished every cuddle and worshipped at your cotside

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The baby and her MRI

Any regular readers will know my smallest little leg hanger had an MRI this week to try and confirm diagnosis of epilepsy and identify why her seizures started. So monday …

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thing they dont tell you at your ante-natal class

Things they don’t tell you at your antenatal class.

1. Midwives are not care bears who will automatically adore you and want to make your labour as pain free as possible. They are underpaid, overworked women who dislike being swore at on a daily basis. Be nice to them and they may get you the good drugs.

2.However though be aware when it comes to drugs, petherdine will make you look like you are on crack.

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