I do like occasionally to pop a thing of beauty on my blog, and no ladies and gentleman it is not an image of me in my Christmas finest but instead some rather adorable shots of my two little ladies in some rather uniquely beautiful tutus.
Beautiful Things….
It’s not often that I have moments of serenity, where I feel calm and very much at peace with myself and my chosen life. Often I feel like I am dashing from one task to the next, planning the next big thing and pouting a little about the stuff I thought I would have done or…
emergency measures: I need a poo
Its inevitable isn’t it. We just ate brunch at my parents home up north and have managed to pile ourselves, the dog, half of argos, some of Mothercare and a lot of toys r us in the car in order to undertake the excruciatingly painful drive back south when twin girl declares ‘I need a…