Press the button, a tale of one woman, three kids and a lift

Sweet lord, it has been a long time since I have ventured anywhere near a shopping centre with the bambinos in tow. However today proved unavoidable so beautiful baby was tucked into the buggy and twin one and two were issued with several rules and regulations about behaviour, running off and inappropriate bogey licking and off we went.

Movie Magic

No feeling like it…

You know how life is never like the movies and sometimes well wouldn’t it be nice if life just bore some resemblance to a disney film. Well I have found my slice of the cinematic pie. Try this exercise at home and see if you can also get a bit of movie magic.

Car Journeys in the big red bus

Car journeys, I used to love them. In fact at uni I was known to love them so much that I would go for a pootle. Pootle being grab a friend jump in the car and drive around randomly until you get lost then find something to do. It was on my pootles that I enjoyed a day at a wild owl sanctuary, found several fab country pubs and went rock climbing.

Hairy experience at soft play

I am starting to worry I may have an addiction as I find myself again in yet another soft play centre. Albeit this one is a slightly classier joint as it is in a garden centre and the menu offers slightly more than chips, chips and chips.