We stood at the door, collectively a bit sweaty, a bit hot, a couple of us a bit tipsy. Six of us. Normally when we are together we are to be found in our CrossFit box, swinging kettlebells, squatting weights, moaning about running, and occasionally grunting.
This time, as we stood at the door, we were clutching cases instead of dumbbells and wearing smiles rather than wrist straps and knee sleeves.
The door, was the start of our fitness holiday, the door to our Villa, our home for a week.
Because, last Saturday, five girlfriends and I (thanks to James Villas) left our CrossFit home and flew to La Manga.
We have spoken about it for months, the last few weeks have been a building frenzy of snapchats, instagrams, whatsapp messages. All screaming the same thing….
Dude I’m so excited.
The amount of times I have come close to actually wetting myself with pure hysteria have become embarrassingly too many to mention.
And finally we were here.
Stood at the door, waiting to go in.
The flight had been uneventful, mainly owing to the vast amounts of Prosecco and carbs consumed at the hotel the night before. Most of us were comatose before the plane had even tucked up its wheels. Ony one of us vomited,a reaction t the salmon at breakfast, rather than the pizza the night before. It was a good flight. We all arrived intact.
The heat hit as we disembarked the plane and we skipped through the passport control, even having to spend the best part of hour trying to locate the hire cars didn’t dampen our spirits.
We were on holiday and savouring every moment.
So back to the door
I stayed with James Villa last february in Gran Canaria, and already had high expectations of our accommodation. This time we were flying to La Manga Club, to stay on site and sample their training facilities, whilst squeezing in some CrossFit and having some well deserved down time.
The resort was instantly appealing, quiet due to the time of the year, picturesque in appearance, with a luscious green golf course planted firmly in the centre. A few bars and restaurants dotted the main street, and the rest of the resort simply oozed elegance and serenity.
So clearly we were going to fit right in.
Back to the door.
The key fit and we fell in, bags flying across the hall, coats dropped and hats hung up.
Then silence fell, which was followed by a collective ‘ooooh’.
The villa surpassed all expectations.
Beautiful both in and out, our own pool, three bathrooms, four bedrooms, a sun trap area, a balcony.
Everything you need for a girlie holiday.
We whooped like school girls, opened every drawer, stocked the fridge with food and Prosecco, and sat about pouring the wine and enjoying the sun.
We have had so many adventures….
It is only day three and it feels like we have been here a year.
I have so much to share, we have partied hard, and we have trained hard. I’m knackered but exhilarated, relaxed but exhausted. I am simply having the best time and never want to come home.
My five friends make every second tear jerkingly funny, the weather has behaved and La Manga is a perfect destination for us to play in. We have won admirers at the karaoke, learn’ how to lose at pool and have tried new drinks. Lots of new drinks.
I promise I’ll tell you more….
But for now – here are the holiday snaps.
The one where we trained
The one where we played
The one with the view
And of course, when I have time, I’ll tell you about the birthday, how my friend Sam does not eat bread. We will talk about the blue hair and the smelly cheese. I may even mention the little drinks in little glasses – although odds are I won’t remember that bit that well.
Thanks to James Villa – so far – everything has been amazing.