The one where we go whoopsie…

Once more, it is a Saturday morning and I have poured myself into my swimsuit and am cruising through the ripples.  However, this week I am not alone.  BB finally put together the fact that every time I pick her up from the crèche my hair is wet and, she has worked out that whilst she has been playing, I have been swimming.

Obviously she wants in the action.

So today, we both donned our lycra, mine plain black, hers with a fashionable kitty on the front, and I dived into the water and she did a frog leap that created a tidal wave which covered a passing swimmer.

We swam for a while, although BB predominately jumped, then BB announced that she was done with her arm bands and was time for her to do ‘proper swimming.’

‘Proper swimming’ means she clings on around my neck like a drowning sea urchin.

I took this as an opportunity to exercise, and continue on my journey to the perfect body, so I swam a couple of lengths with BB firmly positioned on my back, her hands clutching at my wind pipe.

The she asked if we could swap places.

I agreed and planted my feet on the floor and allowed BB to pretend to pull me along.

First she informed me that we were a boat and we chugged through the water, carefully dodging sharks.  Then we were a bus, collecting passengers and taking fares, ploughing over speed bumps and stopping for red lights.  Then we turned into a car, my car to be exact, and BB informed me she was going to park.

This is what happened next…

BB: “Ok, lets park the car, lets go backwards, beep beep beep beep – whoopsie.”

BB: “Lets go forward, sorry wall, ooh watch that car, oooh thats narrow, whoopsie.”

BB: “Now reverse somemore, ooh its tight, beep beep beep beep, bumpity bump, whoopise.”

BB: “Lets go forward, move you stupid bike, oh the car has stopped, whoopsie.”

BB: “Lets go park somewhere else, all these other cars are parked sooooo badly I can’t get in.  Silly silly people.”

She has clearly been out with her Dad in the car…..

28 thoughts on “The one where we go whoopsie…”

  1. Hahaha…. I did have to laugh at this. My husband was talking to our two about bad words after hearing a much older child swearing. My son then announced that I swear and I say a really bad word quite a lot when I am driving!! I am saying nothing! 😀

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