I caught a glimpse of you the other day; you were being caressed by another woman’s hand. I watched, mesmerised as her thumb moved over you whilst she kept you close to her side.
I don’t know exactly when we drifted apart; when the twins came along our relationship became strained. You were the cause of many an argument between he who helped create them and I. But then I returned to work and slowly we got close again and I became accustomed to feeling you in my palm again.
Then BB was born and it was like I had slapped you in the face, you turned your back on me like never before. I see you so infrequently now that I don’t know what I would do if we had to spend any serious time together.
But I miss you…
I needed you when I was shopping last week and that red dress called to me.
I needed you when I looked at the glossy travel brochure whilst waiting for a train.
I needed you when I was trying to decide whether to make a packed lunch or to go out for food.
I needed you when I looked at my hair and saw only roots.
Do you remember when you loved me so much you bought me jewels.
Do you remember when you helped me travel through Europe and how much fun you had changing your appearance for each city we visited.
Do you remember coming with me to clear out the baby shops when we heard the twins were en route.
I know; I left so much of you in Mothercare, kiddicare and I think I lost the rest of you to nappies and baby wipes.
But; I want you back in my life.
If I try harder will you return? If I am more frugal with you will you stick around? If I keep you safe in my pocket will you grow in value?
They say that you can’t buy happiness, but ‘money’ if you were back in my life we could have a damn good go…
Dear money – please come back – we were good together.
Emma @mummymummymum says
ha ha, I think I left most of mine online somewhere….
northernmum says
tsk Tsk – careless
Ali says
Oh no, not something else we lost at the same time. Look we got that back nearly at the same time shall we try again. Plan? I think so 😉
northernmum says
I agree x
Alison says
Ha! Too true. Not only that – but when I tried to get back some money by having a garage sale and selling off some gently used kids clothes, my daughters complained it should be THEIR money because it was THEIR stuff!!!
northernmum says
Mette says
Ha ha:) Absolutely brilliant post, had me laughing my head off:)
northernmum says
Thanks x – all inspired by my bank balance
Molly says
He’s a fickle old creature isn’t he, money?
northernmum says
He seems to get on better with HWHCT….
Sarah ffelan says
Ha ha.
Like the fact you tagged ‘face slap’ in that post!!
jane says
A very worthy tag I feel
sarahmumof3 says
I read somewhere recently about a lady who lived without money for several years finding her inner happiness.. I think I am in training.. maybe one day I will either give up and decided that no indeed we do need money and suddenly get hold of a load to give the other way of life ago… or hang up my bags and run off into the distant to live a crazy totally money free existence.
northernmum says
We were meant to be together……
Bibsey Mama says
That old devil eh? I moved to another country AND had a baby and I fear that we are finished for good.
northernmum says
Has s/he come back? tell me the secret….
mum of all trades says
hilarious post! I’ve been missing him as well
northernmum says
Fickle he is fickle!
Multiple Mummy says
I fear ‘money’ is a player and having an affair with someone else! It is not me sadly! I don’t mind a cheat if he brings me jewels once in a while! 😉 x
northernmum says
Clearly having a celebrity affair!
Liska says
Brilliantly written post.
I feel bad for squandering so much on my Brit Mums outfit and pampering when I read this, but I am about to be made redundant so no doubt in a few weeks I will be writing something similar.
Nice meeting you btw
northernmum says
LOL!!!! I wouldnt feel too bad!
Nice to meet you too x
northernmum says
Thanks and yes you too xxxx
Kelly Wiffin says
I know that feeling so well, money has been my enemy for the past two years!
northernmum says
you too! money gets arounda bit!
Liz @ The Baby wears Prada says
Ha ha! Went into Mothercare/ELC for crayons yesterday. Crayons. Spent £44. How??? On what?? Not even sure…… xx
northernmum says
It bloody eats your money I tell you x
Bod for tea says
*Chortle* I saw him hanging out in Spitalfields on Saturday, clearly he’s going through a gentrification phase.
jane says
bigwords says
I miss him too x
northernmum says
So many of us affected…..
Chelseamamma says
I wondered where this post was going – brilliant!! I think we all feel like this at the moment!!
jane says
Basically skint….
Older Mum (In a Muddle) says
I only had just enough for a cuzza on Saturday night!
northernmum says
a cuzza??????????????????
Sian says
I have to agree with the first comment – mine has escaped through t’internet!
northernmum says
The evil web!!!!!
Very Bored in Catalunya says
Ha, that money one has always been a complete bast*rd to me, right from the word go. Treat ’em mean and keep ’em keen….
northernmum says
I love the idea of money playing hard to get
SLP says
This is my first hit on your blog and I like it – Nicely crafty and neatly done!
Also feeling the pinch but was less than happy when my Husband thought he would try his hand at saving money – I have just blogged about his Sartorial Unconcern and how that turned out.
northernmum says
Crafty…..? Thanks for stopping by x
SLP says
whoops – ‘crafted’ – wine o’clock has impacted on my typing/spelling, careless error – won’t happen again – probably!
northernmum says
thats ok – I was wooried you had mistaken me…. craft and me are arch enemies
Jo Heley says
Oh that was sooo cruel!! haha, I was sat here with lump in my throat, thinking I can only wish for the day I can write such a moving blog!!!
Brilliant x
northernmum says
Lol. Thanks
amummysview says
lol! I know the feeling! Was wondering where you were going with that! x
northernmum says