This weekend I was asked to speak at a blogging conference on a panel about crossing the chasm; taking your blog to the next level. The delightful folks over at Bubblebum sponsored my attendance and see the bottom of the post for a chance to win one of their fantastic car seats.
I was asked to prepare an introduction to myself and on how to get to the next level.
This is what I said…
I started blogging about twenty months ago; like many bloggers I realised I had an abundance of free time on my hands with three children, a full time job and a dog and wanted to find a way that to fill that time…
Northernmum continues to grow in terms of visitors month on month, it attracts a fair bit of PR interest, it won last years MAD blog award for best blog about family life and is nominated in this years BiBs and Mad awards.
I didn’t really realise there was a technical side to blogging until about nine months ago, for me it has always been about writing. I don’t understand SEO which is demonstrated by the fact that my two top search terms are “dangling boobs” and “how to plait pubes”. I am rubbish at unloading images and videos which anyone who has read my blog will confirm and for me a tag is something that sticks out of your dress when you go to a posh function. I like to think I write a parenting blog not an erotic blog but my interesting google searches disagree with me. However for the person who frequently googles “does camels toe hurt?” I am happy to confirm that yes it bloody well does.
My true incompetence was displayed at Christmas when my blog was taken down from wordpress and I realised that I hadn’t backed up a single post… The only reason I got it back and moved to the scary world of self hosting was because everyone else very kindly helped me and Sally did it all for me.
So when I was asked to join this panel about taking a blog to the next level I did wonder what I could bring to the party, then I wondered what the next level was and then I wondered if I was on the level. Then I got a headache and had to have a little rest with a strong G and T.
I have a fairly relaxed approach to blogging; I “drop” a blog when I feel like it, I publish when I have written it; I don’t schedule posts and I don’t worry if I blog seven times a week or none at all. My only rule is if I don’t have anything worth writing then I don’t bother.
I like to think I write good content, I write because I enjoy it and I write to be read, so stats mean something to be (although google analytics kills me) and comments make my day. For me taking your blog to the next level is about the content – if you write well people will read. For my style of writing I would also say if you can make someone laugh they will come back but if you make someone cry they will come back and tell all their friends about it.
So the perspective I offer is from a writing angle – if people like what they read they will come back; if they really like it they will share it. To get to the next level go back to basics and write, proof it, check it and then publish – and then hope your readers enjoy!
And now to thank my sponsor; you can read our review of the awesome Bubblebum here, and to win your very own seat please leave a comment below; for an additional entry please like their facebook page and let me know you have done so.
Competition rules
UK entrants only,
Winner to be announced on July 5th.
If the prize isn’t claimed within 48 hours I reserve the right to redraw the winner.
Winner will be chosen by the random number generator
kelly says
I must admit that I have never thought about the ‘next step’ on blogging either, I just do it as its fun!
Notmyyearoff says
I went to a session about Seo hoping to understand how it works and one of the messages that came across was “noone understands how it completely works”. Huh. I can’t believe I missed your talk, I was flitting about in a bit of an excited daze. Next year I will be mature and oozing professionalism. (maybe)
northernmum says
Next year stay for drinks….. X
Helloitsgemma says
Your session changed my life. Thank you. Chasm filled.
northernmum says
I am aware that I complete you….
Blue Sky says
Yours is one of the few blogs that I can’t wait to read, I never know whether it will make me laugh or cry, but I always enjoy it 🙂 Thanks for sharing your talk as well, I’d love to have been there to hear it in person, one day I’ll make it!
northernmum says
It would be fab to finally meet you x
Trish - Mum's Gone to says
Only you could create such a great title for a blog post about the conference! So pleased I got to meet you x
northernmum says
You too and well done again on winning
Emma @mummymummymum says
I wish I’d made it in time to see your talk!
northernmum says
I look slimmer on stage….
Dearo007 says
i coudn’t agree more. camels toe’s chaff me up something rotten.
northernmum says
Susanna says
Sorry I missed your talk, I heard it was a big hit. How did you like the rest of the conference?
northernmum says
Thanks Susanna, conference was excellent great to see friends again and make a new friend in ruby wax!
Kate On Thin Ice says
I like everything you have to say here and will read you much more.
northernmum says
Emma Horner says
What a great piece and so very true! Love the google searches- my most recent is Gerard Depardieu-one tooth missing. WTF!?
northernmum says
Oh my lord I need to read that post!!!
geekmummy says
Lovely to meet up with you again, and I’m sorry I missed your session – I went to the “how to have it all” session instead, which told me we can have it all if we define “all” very carefully!
northernmum says
I can give you a one on one session…. X
HelpfulMum says
Your talk was great. It was lovely to meet you too.
northernmum says
Thank really glad you liked it
Lucy Roach says
I’ve been lurking for a while, and love your writing. i was drawn in by the libido post and have been here ever since. it’s funny cos it’s true (i think homer simpson said that).
northernmum says
Oh the libido post….
Joanna says
Great, wish I could have gone to Britmums. I read your blog cause you are funny, a good writer & even if things are shit you can portray the real life situation whilst injecting humour. Well done. Keep posting!
northernmum says
How lovely, thank you
Joanna says
Out of interest how did you blog disappear from WordPress?
northernmum says
Hi Joanna, I am not sure, it was there one day and then taken down leaving a message in its place saying that it had been removed as I had broken the rules…..
HELEN says
great to meet you Jane & loved your talk x
northernmum says
Thanks Helen, was fabulous to meet you, I think I have bloggers crush on you
Lisa says
This made me giggle… Lots! Good work ;-0 x
twins tiaras & tantrums says
This made me giggle… Lots! Good work ;-0 x
northernmum says
Molly says
I love your approach to blogging. I love your blog. And I love you. Well done lovely. x
northernmum says
Am feeling the love xxx
Liz Fielding says
I’d definitely say that you’re on the next level. Possibly a level all your own. And totally concur about the tears things. Emotion that grabs the reader by the throat sells. 🙂
northernmum says
From a well established published author that means a huge amount x
Christy Kate says
I keep thinking I need to do something to improve my blog and take it to the next level, but I am always at a loss for what. Thanks for this post.
Also, I ‘liked’ Bubblegum’s Facebook page, too :).
Christy Kate
northernmum says
Bod for tea says
I’m so sorry I missed your session, it would gave been lovely to meet you finally – next year hopefully!
northernmum says
Till then x
Middle-Aged Matron says
I wish I could have heard your talk (although that delightful resume was some compensation). Blogging, I feel, is like faith: the more analytically and technically you probe, the more impossible it all seems. Your advice, though, seems very sound and comprehensible, if rather daunting, and you certainly practise as you preach. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you.
northernmum says
Anna you got the best of me later…..
Middle-Aged Matron says
Eh? What do you mean?
northernmum says
I mean you got the tipsy me later – much more fun x x
Sinead Safford says
Was lovely to meet you this weekend, your session was brilliant, i learnt a lot from it! Thank you! x
northernmum says
Am really pleased it is so nice to have feedback xxxx
Older Mum (In a Muddle) says
That was great. It was good to meet you in person although I was feeling shy! And you have a healthy approach to blogging.
northernmum says
Why thanks, it was lovely to meet you too
esther james says
Those searches are so random, and I had to admit I spat my coffee out after laughing so hard! Sounds like a great speech
northernmum says
Thanks xxxxxxx
esther james says
liked them on facebook
Multiple Mummy says
It was so lovely seeing you at the weekend and really getting a chance to chat and to get the chance to make another friend!
I love the fact you needed a G and T – best drink ever! ;P X
northernmum says
*snort* It was fantastic to get to know you better x x x
Muddling Along says
Have ‘liked’ and everything
Lovely to see you again – still pondering on the whole weekend but was fun to catch up with friends – perhaps better next year when I am not a walking exhausted zombie!
northernmum says
was lovely to see you xxxxxx
sarahmumof3 says
I wish I’d got to Britmums.. maybe next year, I love your blog and you are most deffinately on the next level, I am not a great writer, never will be, so not quite sure what I’m doing in this blogging world but hey its good fun 🙂
northernmum says
Dont be silly!!!!!!!
Blogging is all about confidence and I adore your blog x
Kelly Wiffin says
I love your blog, I have laughed and cried while reading it x
northernmum says
Thank you very much – I really appreciate the comments x x x x
Janmary says
I missed your session, so thanks for sharing it here.
Encouraging to know that it is possible to have a happy and fulfilling blog without being an SEO expert 🙂
jane says
Seo kills me, am clueless
Tired Mummy of Two says
I meant to come, I really did but i ended up working the whole bloody conference and with a hangover too, hope you enjoy your goodybag when it arrives 😉
jane says
Not a Notting Hill Mum says
Hi Jane I’m highlighting the finalists of the Laugh category at Britmums for this months blog roundup so can u send link of your fave funny post ( your own post that is and not used b4 by me) please. Need by Thursday am if poss. If you can leave the link here that would be great. Thanks so much x
northernmum says
Done x
Charlotte Pearson says
Hi – lovely competition, please enter me @MummyFever
Charlotte Pearson says
I have liked their FB as well @MummyFever
vic morris says
thought id have a shot at winning boy leavinf u a comment. Love ur blog its hilarious x
Helen says
I have liked face book page and entered comp. P.S. keep making us laugh and cry! x
northernmum says
Will do x
Erica Price says
I don’t really think about my next step in blogging in strategy terms so much. With me it’s more of a to do list type affair. Often takes me a while to do each thing as I’m a technical novice.
northernmum says
Sounds wise to me
Erica Price says
Liked bubblebum on facebook