Weight Watchers Time again me thinks……

It has been a long week, five days holiday with the kids in full activity mode, instantly followed by a fabulous hen weekend.

Much fun has been had but it has also left me feeling a little battered and run down. My nose is streaming and I am feeling a bit sorry for myself.

To perk me up he who helped create them suggested I take the girls and the rabid hound to the woods for a bit of fresh air using the well coined phrase “it will do you the world of good.”

And do you know what?

He was right. (For a while….)

The fine crisp autumnal air shook my senses and cleared my nose. The beauty of the changing seasons danced before my bloodshot eyes bringing colour to my cheeks.

BB sat cooing in her pram, giggling at dogs running and playing and twin girl chattered merrily at the side of me. Then as the leaves turned from green to brown so did our conversation and we moved onto one of twin girls all time favourite topics; my tummy…

“Mummy” she said stroking my hand “you know some people think your belly is really fat, don’t they.”

Hmmm, I glanced down at my tummy which was still full of that mornings sausage and bacon love affair.

“But you are not mummy, they are just silly.” She continued.

I breathed a sigh of relief, perhaps the straining I was feeling as I fastened up my jeans was merely a result of the tumble dryer not an expanding waistline.

“You have had three babies!” She declared with glee, “that is why it is huge” she giggled whilst arching her back and thrusting her tummy forward to mimic my giant stomach.

“So they are silly mummy, you are not fat just big and empty. And I love you.”

She looked at me with eyes filled with kindness really believing the compliment she had paid me.

The runny nose returned, my cold came back with a vengeance. I stifled a sneeze and water sprung to me eyes with the effort.

“Oh mummy,” cried twin girl, “are you crying with happiness because I am so lovely to you?.”

How can you help but adore her?

22 thoughts on “Weight Watchers Time again me thinks……”

  1. She soulds like a little delight. You are probably just feeling tired and run down after your busy weekend! Tomorrow is a new day and I am sure you will feel much better! x

  2. Truly wonderful and made me laugh out loud. It even beats grandson (5) looking at my tummy and saying “Grandma I know a good word – corrugated!” and that takes some doing. It’s not, honest, corrugated. Well not much.

  3. What a compliment I think! I feel for you my son has a habit of telling people that his mummy has a big tummy like her boobs! Always nice lol

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