Weightwatchers: Oi fatty….

You know you need to go return to weightwatchers when this is the conversation that starts your day….

Twin girl: “are you wearing that?” Refers to dress that is adorning my figure.

She who grew them (me): yes

Twin girl in a pensive tone: “you look quite fat in that”

Scooping my jaw from the ground I managed to mutter “thank you” in an ironic tone

Twin girl: “you are quite fat mummy” in a more matter of fact voice.

Me with mouth hanging open… “Er, ok.”

Twin girl; “I think you may be the fattest person I know; you are smaller in jeans but in that dress you are gianormous.” Please note I resisted the urge to list people I feel may be, ahem, larger than me.

Following a weekend of knackeredness and no washing I have no other clothes options to wear to work.

Thus with my confidence destroyed I dragged my fat ass out of the house this morning and went to work, as twin girl called after me; “love you mummy”.


26 thoughts on “Weightwatchers: Oi fatty….”

  1. Get yourself on thinking slimmer. Better and cheaper than weight watchers. Works really well and not a diet to think about. I lost 7lb in 2 weeks and didn’t even notice I was doing it!

  2. It might well be a case of you looking large (ahem – ‘gianormous’) because she is a ‘little person’ ;). It’s all relative my dear, all relative 😀

  3. They really give you confidence don’t they! My 11 year old said’ I love the way your arms wobble’ the other day and I felt a real downer, especially as I go to the gym 3 times a week and have been doing tricep curls!! I had a chocolate curl (aka a Twirl) to cheer me up!!

  4. Tell twin girl there’s more of you to love being that size……my 4 year old has specified her father smartens up when collecting her from pre-school. No jogging bottoms but proper trousers with a belt!

  5. My 4yo tells me that I am old. On a regular basis. She thinks it funny to call me granny!!

    I am 39.

    I am thinking of changing to Estee Lauder!

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