Happy Birthday BB…

 A whole year has flown by , I blinked and it was gone quicker than I imagined and yet I was prepared for how fast the world can turn when you are trying to force it to stand still.

I have adored every moment; I have tried to commit each living second to memory. I can still see your first smile and I can taste the sensation of hearing your first laugh.  I have taken a thousand photos and I have written a hundred blogs, all to ensure your first twelve months in our lives are to be remembered as time goes by.

 When I was growing you I thought you were a boy, Luca.  I didn’t realise how much I wanted a girl until the doctor said the words out loud.  I whispered your name as I cradled you against me and felt my heart stretch to contain the unbelievable amount of love that was surging from me.

 As the months have rolled past I have looked on in amazement as you have turned from dark to fair. I have adored seeing your tiny fingers wrap around mine. I have slept with you in my arms and cuddled you all day.  I have savoured every second we have spent together, even in the twilight hours.  You have turned me into a soppy, mushy mesh.

I thought I was complete before we knew you were coming, when you arrived I knew what a mistake that feeling was.

Happy first birthday my beautiful baby girl, may you continue to shine and delight all who encounter you, and may your second year be as perfect as your first.

Do I need to say I love you?

welcome to the world - day 1
At the Hospitalwide awake on day 2


The Little Sister


Mothers adoration


trendy bb
First Time Flying Business Class

Walking in the streets of Philidelphia
Big and LittleOn your holidaysMummy and MeBB and Big Bro

10 months
at the park - not moving
having a swinging time



42 thoughts on “Happy Birthday BB…”

  1. aww..happy birthday, BB 🙂
    I thought my third wee one was a boy too, we didn’t do an us this time, so it was a shock that she was a Rachel, not a Matthew!

  2. Hurrah and Happy Birthday BB! I’ve said it before, and I’ll day it again. I know the joy if having a daughter so I’m with you all the way on this!

  3. Happy Birthday! Today was my EDD but today I shall light a candle and send a wish to my angel. It’s been an emotional and hormonal rollercoaster in the last 9 months but hopefully we will get there xxx

  4. Happy Birthday BB!

    She really is just adorable and perfect in every way bless her.

    I particularly love the photo with the red stripy tops!

    (I’ve tried to buy big sister little sister tops but my big girl is still only in 9-12m apparently that’s too small to be a big sister… I guess a 3 month gap is a wee bit odd…)

  5. tears pouring down my face as i read ..its so sweet…. my twins were only 17 months old when our 3 rd arrived and i’m afraid to say his first year was a blur……. but he’s making up for it now………. love your blog… quite often sum up how i’m feeling…

  6. Hi there, what a lovely post! Have a seven year old boy and a two year old girl and can totally relate to your comments about not realizing how much you wanted a girl until she was born and the amount of love you feel – I could simply burst!

  7. Ah, happy birthday little one! What a wonderful tribute – I’m all misty now.
    What a great collection of memories you’ve created here on this blog to treasure in years to come.

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